You have been warned. I'm pretty darn sad. Down in the dumps. Scared. Nervous. Uncertain.
I love my job. Not 'what I do' really... I mean, we sell power plants for goodness sakes. I never thought in a million years I'd be doing that. But, I just LOVE the guys I work for. They are great Christian men, devoted fathers, and good husbands. It's a joy working for them. I believe God led me to this job for several reasons... it was a mile from my home at a time when I really needed it (just getting the kids). They were sympathetic and faith-filled bosses at a time when I really needed it.
And honestly, they needed me. When I got here, they office was a MESS. Papers everywhere. Checks that were partially entered. Partially???? Yeah, partially! Orders that were received days ago that were not yet entered. Quoted received a week ago or longer not yet done. Papers literally EVERYWHERE. Just... a mess. My skin would literally ITCH. I had to wipe down the keyboard and phone to work at the desk. Ew, ew, eww!
Now quotes are done within minutes. Phone are always answered on the first two rings. Orders are entered within 10 minutes. Checks are entered immediately and ALWAYS completely. I then check and double check to make sure that the computer matches exactly what the check deposit is. There is no filing to be done, it's done immediately. Everything is done immediately. Emails are answered quickly - and the customers LOVE it. I get kudos all the time.
I had my review on Wednesday. The good news is I had a stunning review. Everything I do is great. The only thing I could do more of is Marketing. The only thing holding me back from more marketing - honestly - is lack of product knowledge on many of the things we sell here and David's micro-managing of the tiny details. (We've been working on just getting new business cards for a year now, he doesn't like colors, layout, designs, etc.) But other than that -- what I DO -- what I was HIRED to do -- I do and go "above and beyond" all the time. I give 110%. I "excel" at everything. All the customers, all the principals, everyone tells him how great I am.
Even though we lost a principal (a company who hires us to sell their line) as of October 31st, he's going to give me a raise. Because I deserve it. Good news, right?
Not so fast.
He then tells me that he expects the loss of this principal will begin to financially impact the office about January. So on January 1st, they are going to cut my position to part time.
I can't feed a family of 6 on part time!
He then tells me that he's going to move the office to Tarpon Springs. So I'd have to drive a good 40 minutes every day to get to work. But -- he tells me -- maybe I could find another part-time job to fill in the pay. Oh, and the hours he wants me to work??? 10-12 and 1-3. So.... I would then get a second part time job when?? At night??? Nooooo.... I think not. I'm not a part time kind of girl.
I want a job that pays me what I'm worth. Because I'm a freaking GREAT person who can whip an office into shape. I am VERY good at what I do. I know I am.
So.... I am now looking for another job. I have 3 months to find one. Not to worry, CNN says there are only 6.5 million other people out there looking for jobs as well. :o(
**My stomach flip-flops**
For those reading this who want to know exactly what I do... I can send you my resume if you post a reply and ask me to send it to you (leave me your email address). I have had 19 years of administrative coordinator/office manager positions and the last three years have been inside sales with office administration.
I would really like to stay in North Tampa as our cars are not all that reliable. Unless I land a whale of a job that pays me so well I can afford a car payment that is! But, it's also nice being close to the kids when they are sick or need rides home from school and that sort of thing. I don't want to do the 'job fair' thing... I'd rather find a job from someone who knows of a job opening.
**Big breath**I'm really trying to not freak out about it. Trying to remember that God led me to this job and that THIS surely must be HIS plan. That, He has a better plan for me. Maybe a better paying job... heck, maybe one that offers benefits for the whole family. Right now I only have benefits for Jonathan and I and I pay almost $550 a month for it. Crazy, huh? My boss reimburses me for $225 of that, so it helps some ~ but it's still a lot to pay for insurance that doesn't cover all that much. Heck, with Jonathan's recent problems, I just found out that our "lifetime maximum" for mental health is $3,000. Three thousand? Hey Julie, could you IMAGINE that? That's not per year, that a LIFETIME maximum. Unreal. Gotta love insurance companies.
Today I'm expecting the kids to come home and be really upset with me. I took both computers and hid them today. The kids rooms are horrible - the house has CRAP in every room that needs to be picked up or cleaned up - and I'm tired of the kids just coming home and doing what they want to do and not cleaning up after themselves. They blame it on one and take no responsibility for themselves. Fact of the matter, each of them has something lying someplace in the house. Katie's shoes, Justin's shirt, Jonathan's pants, Kayla's belt. Everyone's dishes and cups.
So I hid the computers and figured they could get back on them when they finally did some chores. Heck, Jonathan hasn't done laundry all week. I've been asking him to simply FOLD his clothes since Tuesday. It's now Friday and the basket finally made it's way up to his room. Still not put away.
One kid is responsible for doing towels. I refuse to do them because the kids use SO MANY towels weekly. I wash and use my own. We have roughly 35 towels. 4 kids will use all 35 towels in a week, easy. It used to make me crazy. I originally gave the job to Kayla as the oldest. There are TWO days a week in which to get all 35 towels washed. When she started working, I passed the job onto Justin. Now that he's at football practice and games 6 days a week, we had to pass the job to someone else - Jonathan being the third oldest, I gave the job to him. Guess what is not done? Yep. He tells me all he time he's just not going to do it. I remind him all the time. He just doesn't do it. I don't know what to do about it. Should I force him to do it? Force him to keep up his share -- Kayla and Justin did it. He's choosing to not do it. Sitting LITERALLY three feet away from the washer and dryer for HOURS playing a game, ignoring the fact that there should be towels washing on those days. Or... should I just let it go and -- when there are no towels left, each kid will wash their own towels. Forcing each kid to just wash their own.
Course, it could just be that I'm TERRIBLY grumpy right now.
Last night I got home after choir practice and just sat down and watched TV. I SHOULD have gone in immediately and told them everything that had not done. Checked bookbags, cleaned up dinner, laundry not done, dishes everywhere, cat litter not done in days, clothes on the floor, etc. But I didn't... I didn't want to deal with it. So I waited. Kayla was already in bed actually, Kayte was in her room. Justin got in from football and played a video game... Jono was on the computer. I chose to deal with it when they all centered around the stairs around 9:45 while getting ready for bed. Bad idea, and I know it.
Then again, I also know the kids hate it when I walk through the door and the first thing I do is complain about all the stuff they didn't do.
I'm just on edge. I suppose it would help if they would realize that I'm under terrible stress right now and pull their fair share of the housework. So I can at least come home and not think about how there is a mess everywhere I look. But I need to remind myself they are teenagers. In the "I-Me-My" generation.
Anyone want to give me advice here? Tell the kids to step up? Or should I chill out?
Chris and I are going with some friends tonight to see the Fireproof Movie tonight. I'm excited about it. It looks like a really great movie, and it's been long overdue that a movie has been main-stream, Christian based, and focused on couples actually staying together through their marriage - tough times and all.
If you haven't seen it - go check out the preview: