Today is Friday, the last day of my totally random three-day vacation days from work. I needed to take vacation days before the end of the year... so I just picked seven random days in October, November and December to enjoy the days off.
Things here at home are kinda crazy. For example... last night we got a call from Kayla at about 9:30. She was crying really bad and told me to please come up to her work. There was a Jamaican guy who works with her that was there harassing her. She's had problems with this guy before. She has told us that he keeps "touching" her while she works and she yells at him, telling him to stop. I asked Chris to get into 'corrections officer' mode and let's go up to McDonald's to check on her.
We get up there and the guy was already gone. The police had already been called by McDonald's management. Apparently this guy and his cousin (who is a very large and intimidating guy) came up and started cursing at Kayla. They crossed the line when they threw dipping sauces at her.
The manager said that he 'would be fired' - but there was a process for that. The police officer said that since he was technically still an employee, they couldn't issue a trespass order that night. But - once he was fired - if he came back, they could then issue the trespass warning.
I'm telling you -- they BETTER fire the guy immediately. I'm already still fuming that this McDonald's hasn't refunded money they've taken out of her check for drawer shortages. I think I told you that before... they take money out of her check if her drawer is short. There are several issues with that: one being that she is not the only one with access to that drawer, and that they take the money out when she's short, but don't put money IN if she's over. They said she signed something when she started saying it was okay for them to do that... but it's still against the law - any HR person can tell you that -- and she was a minor, only 16 at the time.. it doesn't matter what she signed. So... yeah... I'm still upset about that.
To add to my day yesterday, I got a call from one of Kayla's teachers. She wanted to meet with me to talk about Kayla's attitude and behavior. I met with her yesterday afternoon and she explained to me that Kayla's grades are good in her class, but her attitude is horrible. She said that she talks throughout class to her friends, at will, regardless of what the teacher is talking about or how many times she tells her to stop. Not good. Then she tells me that Kayla has a good friend that she talks to throughout class. This friend has already been suspended once this year, and that the friend was not doing well in class and really wasn't going to 'go anywhere'. Kayla, on the other hand, DOES do well in class and has a bright future in front of her. This teacher can't figure out why Kayla is associating with her. That - this girl is going to bring her down. I can totally see that... Kayla's whole new group of friends are not the long-term friends kind of people. I don't know what she's doing there. Then she tells me that Kayla also brings food into her class and eats, even though it's against class rules and she's told her to stop. The teacher said that she has never before had a class like this class -- where she will tell the kids to do something, get out a book or assignment, and someone will just say "no"! Then it infects the rest of the class and everyone tells her "no". She explained that Kayla's attitude is "I can do whatever I want and you can't do anything about it". Sigh... I know all about that - I've seen it plenty too. But I also know that Kayla wants to do the right thing... and that will hopefully keep her on track.
I had a talk with Kayla and explained that she had the chance to be the GOOD example in this class. That the teacher doesn't deserve kids talking back to her every day. She is there from 6:30 in the morning until 4:30 in the afternoon 5 days a week... just because if a kid wants to come before or after class for help, she wants to be there for them. She doesn't deserve to be treated poorly. And Kayla has enough charisma and friends to where HER deciding to act well in the class might just ripple on through the rest of the class. She said she's going to try, so we'll see.
Jonathan has had a really bad week. He has been SO addicted to that computer, playing World of Warcraft. On school days he plays from 3:30 in the afternoon until bedtime, only taking breaks when we force him to do so. On weekends, it's all-day until he has a scheduled break. Now, the computer he was using has been returned - so he doesn't have one he can use. It was really hard for him... I know. But -- I have to tell you how wonderful it was last night. He played X-Box for a little while after school, then he went to a friend's house for a couple hours, came home and played Piano (made up a new song). I muted the television and just sat for a while... listening and smiling. It was wonderful to see him not stuck in one place/in one chair ALL DAY.
Justin has had a good week. He received a card the other day from one of his teachers. It says "Justin - Congrats on being selected "most honorable" student! I am so proud of you; you take your education and roles as a learning student seriously, and I know you will be so successful in your future plans. Thank you for all you are - Keep up the excellent work! :) Ms. Orlando" WOW, what a surprise that was, and what an honor for Justin!
Speaking of Justin, he is going on Monday for the MRI of his knee, then Tuesday to meet with the doctors out at USF again to discuss the results and possible surgical options. Sure hope all of that goes well.
I got the WORST haircut of my life last weekend. Sunday I went for a little 'trim'. My bangs were in my eyes, and so I knew it was time for just a bit to be trimmed, it had been two months since my really GREAT haircut. I got compliments all the time on my hair, so I wanted to make sure to keep the look 'fresh', not wait another 6 or 8 months for a haircut like I usually do. I went to the same place, Great Clips, but got a different guy. I told him what I wanted, and he did a horrible job. Cut WAY more than a trim... then he did it horribly uneven. My right side was 3/4 of an inch longer than the left. There were pieces that were hacked away and other pieces that were - literally - 2 inches longer in length. You could clearly see it when I tried to put a curling iron in it. HORRIBLE. I lived with it a few days, before finally deciding to go to a different Great Clips and asking them to fix it. Now it's just SHORT all over. UGG. But... at least it's even. I tried to figure out what to 'do' with it this morning... and I just can't find a style I like. I'm just SO upset that this guy ruined my hair. I keep saying to myself though... "It'll grow back!" It will, and it's only hair... so I'll make the best of it I guess.
Report cards should be here next week. I don't know what we are going to do with the kids and their phones. The cell phones were given to Kayla, Justin and Kayte as a 'reward' for getting honor roll, with the understanding that they would have them taken away if they didn't make honor roll the next 9 weeks. Jonathan has a cell phone which was given to him to keep reminders and schedule tasks - things he forgets because of his aspergers. Well... Kayla is going to have a D on her report card. That much we are sure about. But... Kayla will run out and get a Metro PCS phone if we take hers away. She has done it twice before, and she told us she'd do it again. So... what to do about that? We decided to make her pay her own share of the cell phone bill when it comes in. Kayte, I am pretty sure, is going to have honor roll. She had a C, but it was a 79.8, so I think they are going to round it up to a B. Justin has a C, which he thinks is unfair to him. He had a workbook stolen from his locker and he didn't make up the work between the time it was stolen and he got a new workbook. All the other grades in the class are great, with the exception of those few zeros, which brought him down to a C. Justin thinks it's unfair that he lose his cell phone for this, since it was 'beyond his control'. I think he could have borrowed someone else's workbook, re-written all the assignments, and just turned them in. I got permission for him to do this from the teacher, but he never did it. Said that the other kids workbooks were already completed and graded and it felt like cheating, so he didn't do it. So.... I'm torn about him. Jonathan is going to have 2 C's I'm pretty sure. But Jonathan's phone wasn't given to him on the understanding that he needed honor roll to keep it. So.... I just don't know what the right thing to do is. If I take Justin's phone, he's certainly going to think it's unfair that Jonathan and Kayla both still have their phones. This parenting thing is pretty tough at times like this!!
I have photos of the kids from school, I'll try to get them scanned and uploaded her in a couple days. All the kids look GREAT! And... all of them growing up so much. Justin and Jonathan are getting so tall, Kayla and Kayte are both so beautiful! As soon as I figure out how to scan from the printer using this computer (Vista - ugg!), I'll get them loaded here for you.
We are having a big dinner here at my house on Sunday for my mom's birthday. She's going to be the big 6-5. We were going to go out to eat, but figured with the economy the way it is and everyone pinching pennies, it would be better to eat a home-cooked meal. So... I'm going to make her one of my favorite Apron's meals... Blackened Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo. Should be good! I was going to make another batch with shrimp, but the more I think about feeding 13 people, the more I think I need to make it as easy as possible and I might just stick with only the chicken. Wish me luck on this dinner, I'm a little nervous about it.
As Halloween approaches and the Christmas decorations hit the store, I'm surprised that I'm not more freaked out about the fact that we are less than two months away from Christmas. I guess I'm now okay with knowing that the kids really have everything they 'need'. They know I'm facing a job loss at the beginning of the year, so I think they'll be okay with us getting whatever we can afford for them for Christmas. Of course, they haven't yet started asking... but - given the times I know that we are not the only family in this financial boat. I have faith that God will provide -- He always has.
I'm still nowhere with the job search. I've gotten two calls out of the dozens of places I sent my resume to. One was for a part-time position that didn't pay all that well. The second was from a guy who was opening a metal manufacturing shop in Oldsmar and he needed a 'Girl Friday' to start in a week. Oh, and the Girl Friday needed to understand she'd be working with men all day long... and country men on top of it. I pretty well understood what he was saying. I could probably work in that environment - but I am not willing to leave my current boss in a lurch by starting a new job in a week. So... I'm continuing to look. I know God has a plan... I just have to believe in it and keep the faith. And with the help of your prayers, I'm going to keep the faith.
" 'If you can'?" said Jesus. "Everything is possible for him who believes." Mark 9:23
Friday, October 31, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Prayers for Justin
Well... it's official - Justin has a torn ACL in his knee.
Chris took him to see the doctors out at USF on Thursday and they confirmed what the initial thought was - torn ACL. He has to do pre-surgical physical therapy, and they - again - told him to keep walking on it. He is moving around much better on it now though. The swelling has gone down quite a bit and he is really careful about using it. He takes the stairs at home nice and slow... keeps it wrapped most of the time... etc.
Justin tells me that they are going to schedule the surgery on 11/4. I don't yet know the exact date of the surgery, but I'll let you know when I hear.
He could actually go his entire life and NOT have the surgery... but he would never again be able to play sports of any kind. And... Justin is a VERY active boy who loves all kinds of sports... we need to have this fixed. They say if he works hard at therapy, it's possible he could resume playing football next year - his Senior year of high school. I know he would very much like that - he was just getting to be really good at his position.
I was worried about the therapy at first... how to schedule it three times a week when we are already so busy. I mean... we'd make time for it of course, but it seemed a little overwhelming when I looked at the calendar and realized that we'd need to schedule this three times a week after work for a while (both pre-surgical and post-surgical therapy). But... something really neat happened.
Justin went to football practice on Saturday, because he is still a part of the team. He couldn't work or play of course, but he could be there to support his team. Well - Gaither High School has a trainer there from USF. She worked with him on Saturday and suggested that he do his pre-surgical therapy there with her. Justin knows her, he likes her, and he's already THERE 6 days a week. She's going to call his doctor on Monday and clear it with her. I'm sure the doctor will be fine with it... she's trained for this sort of thing and she has all the therapy equipment right there at the school. This is a wonderful solution for us!
Speaking of wonderful... I know I told you all that Chris was fortunate enough to go to the World Series last blog. Our best friend Michelle, who's company is a sponsor for the Rays, got two tickets for the first game. She brought Chris along since it was actually Chris who told her initially to partner with the Rays this year. What a great year it was to partner up with the Rays, huh?
Well, I know I was a bit bummed about it last blog, but honestly - I was happy for them. their tickets were AWESOME - two tickets in the Whitney Bank Club, where they have leather seating, TV's, and tons of free food and drinks. Not hot dogs and chips... we're talking Salmon, Prime Rib and lots of other great stuff. Plus all the free beer you could possibly want. Incredible! Then... they were given two more seats once there, right on top of the Rays' dugout! They went down to sit on the dugout about the 6th inning or so.
Justin and Jonathan had a big fight today. They don't usually fight anymore - they did when Justin first moved in, but not much anymore. This morning, Jonathan was trying to make breakfast, which was toaster strudels. He needed the toaster. Our toaster is kinda weird, it's on the side/built into the microwave. You can only cook 2 at a time... but I like the toaster as it's good on space on my counter. Jonathan couldn't figure out how to work it.
Justin came down and saw how much trouble Jonathan was having. Justin convinced Jonathan that the toaster was 'broken' but that he knew how to fix it. He offered to fix it, as long as Jonathan let Justin eat first. Jonathan didn't want that... he just wanted to toast the things. Justin refused to help him unless he offered to let him go ahead of him.
A big fight ensued - so our morning today was off to a pretty bad start. I talked to both boys... telling Jonathan that his reaction of anger was 'over the top' and inappropriate - and I told Justin he should have just helped his cousin, not tried to get something out of it. I told him - if you love someone, especially family, you don't offer to fix something ONLY if you personally get something in return. He should have just showed Jono how to toast it. Justin couldn't grasp the concept that he did anything wrong. Sigh....
I've had a horrible headache for days now. Been sick on top of it with some kind of cold/flu. I actually took a half sick day on Friday - which is only my 3nd sick day of the entire year. The headache is because I'm once again out of my Topamax (preventative medicine for migraines). I swore I wouldn't run out again... but I get my pills from Julie. It's a long story about how come I get them from Julie... but I found out today I can't do that anymore, so I have to go back to my doctor and get the refills. I'll do that tomorrow.
The Durango is fixed (again) thanks to Chris. He actually fixed two things, replaced the power steering pump and fixed a seal that was causing the radiator to leak. The funny thing was that the Durango has been.... squeaking I guess you'd call it.... in the engine for a while now. We didn't know why... just figured that it was because the poor thing was so old. When Chris replaced the power steering pump, the squeaking went away! Go figure!! It's so quiet now, it's almost like driving a new car. Wait... I don't know what that's like... it's like driving a MUCH better car now.
Still nothing on the job search. I'm trying not to get discouraged... really I am. But I could still use prayers - specifically prayers for me to not lose faith.
I should run... I still hear the kids awake upstairs and it's nearly 11 pm. Thank you for your continued prayers and support. It means the world to us.
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:6
Chris took him to see the doctors out at USF on Thursday and they confirmed what the initial thought was - torn ACL. He has to do pre-surgical physical therapy, and they - again - told him to keep walking on it. He is moving around much better on it now though. The swelling has gone down quite a bit and he is really careful about using it. He takes the stairs at home nice and slow... keeps it wrapped most of the time... etc.
Justin tells me that they are going to schedule the surgery on 11/4. I don't yet know the exact date of the surgery, but I'll let you know when I hear.
He could actually go his entire life and NOT have the surgery... but he would never again be able to play sports of any kind. And... Justin is a VERY active boy who loves all kinds of sports... we need to have this fixed. They say if he works hard at therapy, it's possible he could resume playing football next year - his Senior year of high school. I know he would very much like that - he was just getting to be really good at his position.
I was worried about the therapy at first... how to schedule it three times a week when we are already so busy. I mean... we'd make time for it of course, but it seemed a little overwhelming when I looked at the calendar and realized that we'd need to schedule this three times a week after work for a while (both pre-surgical and post-surgical therapy). But... something really neat happened.
Justin went to football practice on Saturday, because he is still a part of the team. He couldn't work or play of course, but he could be there to support his team. Well - Gaither High School has a trainer there from USF. She worked with him on Saturday and suggested that he do his pre-surgical therapy there with her. Justin knows her, he likes her, and he's already THERE 6 days a week. She's going to call his doctor on Monday and clear it with her. I'm sure the doctor will be fine with it... she's trained for this sort of thing and she has all the therapy equipment right there at the school. This is a wonderful solution for us!
Speaking of wonderful... I know I told you all that Chris was fortunate enough to go to the World Series last blog. Our best friend Michelle, who's company is a sponsor for the Rays, got two tickets for the first game. She brought Chris along since it was actually Chris who told her initially to partner with the Rays this year. What a great year it was to partner up with the Rays, huh?
Well, I know I was a bit bummed about it last blog, but honestly - I was happy for them. their tickets were AWESOME - two tickets in the Whitney Bank Club, where they have leather seating, TV's, and tons of free food and drinks. Not hot dogs and chips... we're talking Salmon, Prime Rib and lots of other great stuff. Plus all the free beer you could possibly want. Incredible! Then... they were given two more seats once there, right on top of the Rays' dugout! They went down to sit on the dugout about the 6th inning or so.
Justin and Jonathan had a big fight today. They don't usually fight anymore - they did when Justin first moved in, but not much anymore. This morning, Jonathan was trying to make breakfast, which was toaster strudels. He needed the toaster. Our toaster is kinda weird, it's on the side/built into the microwave. You can only cook 2 at a time... but I like the toaster as it's good on space on my counter. Jonathan couldn't figure out how to work it.
Justin came down and saw how much trouble Jonathan was having. Justin convinced Jonathan that the toaster was 'broken' but that he knew how to fix it. He offered to fix it, as long as Jonathan let Justin eat first. Jonathan didn't want that... he just wanted to toast the things. Justin refused to help him unless he offered to let him go ahead of him.
A big fight ensued - so our morning today was off to a pretty bad start. I talked to both boys... telling Jonathan that his reaction of anger was 'over the top' and inappropriate - and I told Justin he should have just helped his cousin, not tried to get something out of it. I told him - if you love someone, especially family, you don't offer to fix something ONLY if you personally get something in return. He should have just showed Jono how to toast it. Justin couldn't grasp the concept that he did anything wrong. Sigh....
I've had a horrible headache for days now. Been sick on top of it with some kind of cold/flu. I actually took a half sick day on Friday - which is only my 3nd sick day of the entire year. The headache is because I'm once again out of my Topamax (preventative medicine for migraines). I swore I wouldn't run out again... but I get my pills from Julie. It's a long story about how come I get them from Julie... but I found out today I can't do that anymore, so I have to go back to my doctor and get the refills. I'll do that tomorrow.
The Durango is fixed (again) thanks to Chris. He actually fixed two things, replaced the power steering pump and fixed a seal that was causing the radiator to leak. The funny thing was that the Durango has been.... squeaking I guess you'd call it.... in the engine for a while now. We didn't know why... just figured that it was because the poor thing was so old. When Chris replaced the power steering pump, the squeaking went away! Go figure!! It's so quiet now, it's almost like driving a new car. Wait... I don't know what that's like... it's like driving a MUCH better car now.
Still nothing on the job search. I'm trying not to get discouraged... really I am. But I could still use prayers - specifically prayers for me to not lose faith.
I should run... I still hear the kids awake upstairs and it's nearly 11 pm. Thank you for your continued prayers and support. It means the world to us.
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:6
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
World Series Night - Go Rays!
Oie, I'm having a bad day.
First, the Durango - the one we just fixed - broke again last night. Thank goodness that it's something Chris can fix this time. The power steering pump went out. It's getting to the 10-year mark, so I guess it's time that things are going to really start going out on it. But... we really need the Durango to last a few more years. I feel very fortunate that my little Mustang, now going to be 12 years old, is holding up well. I don't drive it far, which I guess helps. I might gripe about it now and again... heck, it has a spray-painted door, and when it rains the inside of my car gets very wet... but it sure does a good job of getting me from point A to point B.
I've applied for a LOT of jobs... and not had any calls yet for an interview. Bummer! Several of the jobs I've applied for using Craig's list have been for employment companies, not actually 'jobs' as they advertised for. One guy I called today was looking for an inside sales person for a plumbing company up in the North Dale Mabry/Lutz area. His ad said his company was 'recession proof'. Sounded like something I could do easily, so I called. In talking with the owner, he told me that he owned two companies, one a coffee shop of some kind (small), and the plumbing company. The plumbing company was doing so poorly that he closed the office, 'downsized' staff, and moved into the coffee shop to run the day-to-day business. He was hoping to hire someone to build the plumbing company back up. I kept thinking... if his business was down and he had to downsize his staff already - why did he advertise that his company was 'recession proof'? He told me I could come by the coffee shop to meet him... but I don't think that's something I want to do anymore.
And then I went to the school tonight to pick up Justin after football practice. He tells me that he hurt his knee and the trainer wants to talk to me. I pull up to the school and see Justin with this HUGE knee. They had an ice pack wrapped with an ace wrap around his knee. The trainer tells me that Justin was practicing football, went for a catch (he's a wide receiver) and jumped really high to catch the ball, fell on it wrong followed by someone falling on his knee. The trainer thinks he might have torn his ACL. Something about how his knee was moving and how quickly his knee swelled up. UGG
This means I need to get him to the doctors tomorrow. Only... tomorrow is a HORRIBLE day for me to miss any work. Remember that company that dropped us... the one that caused me to be told that my position is going to part time in January? Well, another company - a competitor for the one who is dropping us - wants to hire us. They are coming to our office tomorrow to meet with us first thing in the morning.
But - sometime tomorrow - I have to call the primary care doctor. He will probably want to see Justin. Maybe get an X-Ray of his knee. Then he'll probably refer us to the Orthopedic doctors. When the heck am I going to be able to do all this?????
And the Rays, so far - top of the 5th - are not winning. Sigh....
Chris and Michelle are AT the World Series. Michelle, who's company is a corporate sponsor with the Rays, got the call yesterday that her guy there was going to give her two tickets to the game tonight. Oh... not 'just' tickets. They get tickets to the Whitney Bank Club seats. Free food (good food!), free drinks, leather seats............. sigh. But I'm happy they are there enjoying the game. What a great friend that - when given extra tickets, even for the flipping World Series - calls us to go with her. :o) Usually she gets four seats, but - this being the World Series - she only got two.
I'm here with the four kids... which I took to dinner. It was going to be just Jono and I... but then Kayla and Kayte came home, and Justin called to be picked up. So we all had dinner.
So, I'm here - watching the game on the sofa all by myself.
I just put all the kids to bed. By 'put to bed' I mean that I told them for the past 20 minutes to go to bed... then went upstairs to get them to turn off TV's and lights and all that stuff. Sheesh.
Justin tells me he doesn't feel well... he thinks that he is running a fever. I check it - and sure enough... low grade fever. On top of everything else... a FEVER!?!?
Chris just called - their Rays guy just moved them to seats 116, which have been 'our seats' all year long - right on top of the Rays' dugout. He wants me to watch for them on TV. From the Whitney Banks Club where they get to eat and drink all they want... and now on top of the dugout? SHEESH!
I sure hope the game doesn't go on too long tonight. I have to get some sleep - Justin, who can barely hobble around on his knee - has to get going early tomorrow morning in order to catch the bus. He is usually the last one up, the last one out the door - and only ONCE, I'm told, he's actually made it to his bus stop in time to catch the bus to school. He usually ends up missing it and having to run and catch the bus at another stop. No running tomorrow... and I have a bad feeling that he's going to be knocking on my door at 6:45 in the morning telling me that he's missed the bus completely. We'll see....
I think it's time to open a bottle of wine, pour a glass, and get in the hot tub. LOL There' s a TV out there, I can watch and relax at the same time. :o)
I think this is the quote I need to focus on whenever I get frustrated about finding a job. I'll leave you with this for the night...
"Focus more on your desire than on your doubt, and the dream will take care of itself. You may be surprised at how easily this happens. Your doubts are not as powerful as your desires, unless you make them so." -Marcia Wieder-
First, the Durango - the one we just fixed - broke again last night. Thank goodness that it's something Chris can fix this time. The power steering pump went out. It's getting to the 10-year mark, so I guess it's time that things are going to really start going out on it. But... we really need the Durango to last a few more years. I feel very fortunate that my little Mustang, now going to be 12 years old, is holding up well. I don't drive it far, which I guess helps. I might gripe about it now and again... heck, it has a spray-painted door, and when it rains the inside of my car gets very wet... but it sure does a good job of getting me from point A to point B.
I've applied for a LOT of jobs... and not had any calls yet for an interview. Bummer! Several of the jobs I've applied for using Craig's list have been for employment companies, not actually 'jobs' as they advertised for. One guy I called today was looking for an inside sales person for a plumbing company up in the North Dale Mabry/Lutz area. His ad said his company was 'recession proof'. Sounded like something I could do easily, so I called. In talking with the owner, he told me that he owned two companies, one a coffee shop of some kind (small), and the plumbing company. The plumbing company was doing so poorly that he closed the office, 'downsized' staff, and moved into the coffee shop to run the day-to-day business. He was hoping to hire someone to build the plumbing company back up. I kept thinking... if his business was down and he had to downsize his staff already - why did he advertise that his company was 'recession proof'? He told me I could come by the coffee shop to meet him... but I don't think that's something I want to do anymore.
And then I went to the school tonight to pick up Justin after football practice. He tells me that he hurt his knee and the trainer wants to talk to me. I pull up to the school and see Justin with this HUGE knee. They had an ice pack wrapped with an ace wrap around his knee. The trainer tells me that Justin was practicing football, went for a catch (he's a wide receiver) and jumped really high to catch the ball, fell on it wrong followed by someone falling on his knee. The trainer thinks he might have torn his ACL. Something about how his knee was moving and how quickly his knee swelled up. UGG
This means I need to get him to the doctors tomorrow. Only... tomorrow is a HORRIBLE day for me to miss any work. Remember that company that dropped us... the one that caused me to be told that my position is going to part time in January? Well, another company - a competitor for the one who is dropping us - wants to hire us. They are coming to our office tomorrow to meet with us first thing in the morning.
But - sometime tomorrow - I have to call the primary care doctor. He will probably want to see Justin. Maybe get an X-Ray of his knee. Then he'll probably refer us to the Orthopedic doctors. When the heck am I going to be able to do all this?????
And the Rays, so far - top of the 5th - are not winning. Sigh....
Chris and Michelle are AT the World Series. Michelle, who's company is a corporate sponsor with the Rays, got the call yesterday that her guy there was going to give her two tickets to the game tonight. Oh... not 'just' tickets. They get tickets to the Whitney Bank Club seats. Free food (good food!), free drinks, leather seats............. sigh. But I'm happy they are there enjoying the game. What a great friend that - when given extra tickets, even for the flipping World Series - calls us to go with her. :o) Usually she gets four seats, but - this being the World Series - she only got two.
I'm here with the four kids... which I took to dinner. It was going to be just Jono and I... but then Kayla and Kayte came home, and Justin called to be picked up. So we all had dinner.
So, I'm here - watching the game on the sofa all by myself.
I just put all the kids to bed. By 'put to bed' I mean that I told them for the past 20 minutes to go to bed... then went upstairs to get them to turn off TV's and lights and all that stuff. Sheesh.
Justin tells me he doesn't feel well... he thinks that he is running a fever. I check it - and sure enough... low grade fever. On top of everything else... a FEVER!?!?
Chris just called - their Rays guy just moved them to seats 116, which have been 'our seats' all year long - right on top of the Rays' dugout. He wants me to watch for them on TV. From the Whitney Banks Club where they get to eat and drink all they want... and now on top of the dugout? SHEESH!
I sure hope the game doesn't go on too long tonight. I have to get some sleep - Justin, who can barely hobble around on his knee - has to get going early tomorrow morning in order to catch the bus. He is usually the last one up, the last one out the door - and only ONCE, I'm told, he's actually made it to his bus stop in time to catch the bus to school. He usually ends up missing it and having to run and catch the bus at another stop. No running tomorrow... and I have a bad feeling that he's going to be knocking on my door at 6:45 in the morning telling me that he's missed the bus completely. We'll see....
I think it's time to open a bottle of wine, pour a glass, and get in the hot tub. LOL There' s a TV out there, I can watch and relax at the same time. :o)
I think this is the quote I need to focus on whenever I get frustrated about finding a job. I'll leave you with this for the night...
"Focus more on your desire than on your doubt, and the dream will take care of itself. You may be surprised at how easily this happens. Your doubts are not as powerful as your desires, unless you make them so." -Marcia Wieder-
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Faithless or Afraid?
First - the good news. Kayla's blood test came back. She is allergic to cats, dogs and scallops. Odd - I know. She has NO symptoms of allergies what-so-ever. Just a random blood test that came in showing an abnormality which pointed us in a direction that eventually told us that. Weird. But a blessing that it wasn't something else - for sure!
Julie had me mad as hell about it. Came in on Sunday saying that Arthur said that Leukemia "runs in his family". Well - gee, I'm sorry to hear that, but what does that have to do with us? Well, since he thinks he's Kayla's father, it's important. Oh, and Kayla believes he's her father too. Forget the fact that the freaking PATERNITY TEST said he wasn't. I mean, I can really want to be a car... sit in my garage for YEARS... but it doesn't make me a car.
I told Julie that if Arthur said one flipping word to Kayla on Sunday about his 'family history' I would go nuts. I mean, seriously - I wouldn't let the kids go with Julie anymore. If I can't trust her to keep them physically AND mentally safe - then so be it. (Oh because Arthur is at Julie's house all the time now, apparently.)
Then I told Julie that - if Arthur was so 'worried' - he should do the 'fatherly thing' for once in his life. Go out and get - yet another - paternity test. Go ahead and prove that he IS her father. Because - ya know what? IF he is indeed her father, there are lots of 'family history' type questions she NEEDS answered. But, he doesn't want to do that. Ya know why? Because 1) he knows he's really not her father and he'd rather just say it and believe what he's saying than have yet another test to prove it wrong and 2) he can't afford the test anyways because he's a slacker who mooches off people - no job, no money. But - hey -- if I'm wrong, I'm wrong -- go on and do it! Because the one person who would totally and completely benefit from the information is Kayla. And the only person he hurts with his constant lies is the same. So - just do it.
The other reason I haven't blogged this week. -- sigh --
I've seemed to have lost my faith.
My job is to go part-time in January 2009. At the very best I'm looking at staying at the same job with a much longer commute to work (40 minutes vs 1.5 miles I currently drive one way) and less hours and a lot less money. I am the only one with a 'dependable' paycheck... Chris owns his own business and it's up and down much of the time. Simply put -- we can not pay the bills and live in our home on what I'd make when they cut me to part time.
Which leaves me looking for other work. Have you read the newspapers? Yeah... everyone else is looking for work as well. It's a HORRIBLE time to be looking for a job.
I'm terrified.
I'm upset.
I'm...... scared.
I used to have faith that God would have a purpose for this change. A reason. He led me to this job, He would have a reason for sending me somewhere else. That there would be something wonderful... and I couldn't wait to see what it was. But - now - I can't pick up a paper or open CNN or any news vendor site without seeing it plastered everywhere. Everyone is looking for jobs and nobody can find work. What little jobs there are are not paying well.
Then you talk to people who think they are helping by telling you that they know how you feel because they know so many people who are just like you. A friend of theirs has been trying to find a job for 6 months now and still can't find anything. A manager passing out her Resume on Waters and Dale Mabry. It doesn't really help -- I know all this already and it just makes me MORE afraid.
But, ya know... I wonder really if it's that I've lost my faith or that I'm afraid to rely on my faith.
I went to chorus rehearsal last night and passed my final part of the audition process. The only thing I have left to do is pay money to become a member. $40 a month, plus pay my international and regional dues... at a time like THIS? Really??
But then ~ deep inside ~ I feel this voice that tells me to have faith. FAITH?! Faith that things really will be okay.
But if I DO have faith that things will be okay - and I fall flat on my face and come Jan 2009 I either have a job that pays HALF of what I make now and we have the electricity and water shut off in Feb of 09 and begin to lose everything shortly thereafter.... am I just a person who relied on faith too much?
Or am I afraid of being a faithful person?
I don't know. I just know I want to go to sleep and wake up in a few months. After the elections - when the economy is beginning to right itself - when I know something more about my job.
But it's now dinner time and I've got to start dinner. I don't even have time to go fishing for a quote or something profound.
Please pray for me. Pray for me to find my faith. To not be afraid.
Julie had me mad as hell about it. Came in on Sunday saying that Arthur said that Leukemia "runs in his family". Well - gee, I'm sorry to hear that, but what does that have to do with us? Well, since he thinks he's Kayla's father, it's important. Oh, and Kayla believes he's her father too. Forget the fact that the freaking PATERNITY TEST said he wasn't. I mean, I can really want to be a car... sit in my garage for YEARS... but it doesn't make me a car.
I told Julie that if Arthur said one flipping word to Kayla on Sunday about his 'family history' I would go nuts. I mean, seriously - I wouldn't let the kids go with Julie anymore. If I can't trust her to keep them physically AND mentally safe - then so be it. (Oh because Arthur is at Julie's house all the time now, apparently.)
Then I told Julie that - if Arthur was so 'worried' - he should do the 'fatherly thing' for once in his life. Go out and get - yet another - paternity test. Go ahead and prove that he IS her father. Because - ya know what? IF he is indeed her father, there are lots of 'family history' type questions she NEEDS answered. But, he doesn't want to do that. Ya know why? Because 1) he knows he's really not her father and he'd rather just say it and believe what he's saying than have yet another test to prove it wrong and 2) he can't afford the test anyways because he's a slacker who mooches off people - no job, no money. But - hey -- if I'm wrong, I'm wrong -- go on and do it! Because the one person who would totally and completely benefit from the information is Kayla. And the only person he hurts with his constant lies is the same. So - just do it.
The other reason I haven't blogged this week. -- sigh --
I've seemed to have lost my faith.
My job is to go part-time in January 2009. At the very best I'm looking at staying at the same job with a much longer commute to work (40 minutes vs 1.5 miles I currently drive one way) and less hours and a lot less money. I am the only one with a 'dependable' paycheck... Chris owns his own business and it's up and down much of the time. Simply put -- we can not pay the bills and live in our home on what I'd make when they cut me to part time.
Which leaves me looking for other work. Have you read the newspapers? Yeah... everyone else is looking for work as well. It's a HORRIBLE time to be looking for a job.
I'm terrified.
I'm upset.
I'm...... scared.
I used to have faith that God would have a purpose for this change. A reason. He led me to this job, He would have a reason for sending me somewhere else. That there would be something wonderful... and I couldn't wait to see what it was. But - now - I can't pick up a paper or open CNN or any news vendor site without seeing it plastered everywhere. Everyone is looking for jobs and nobody can find work. What little jobs there are are not paying well.
Then you talk to people who think they are helping by telling you that they know how you feel because they know so many people who are just like you. A friend of theirs has been trying to find a job for 6 months now and still can't find anything. A manager passing out her Resume on Waters and Dale Mabry. It doesn't really help -- I know all this already and it just makes me MORE afraid.
But, ya know... I wonder really if it's that I've lost my faith or that I'm afraid to rely on my faith.
I went to chorus rehearsal last night and passed my final part of the audition process. The only thing I have left to do is pay money to become a member. $40 a month, plus pay my international and regional dues... at a time like THIS? Really??
But then ~ deep inside ~ I feel this voice that tells me to have faith. FAITH?! Faith that things really will be okay.
But if I DO have faith that things will be okay - and I fall flat on my face and come Jan 2009 I either have a job that pays HALF of what I make now and we have the electricity and water shut off in Feb of 09 and begin to lose everything shortly thereafter.... am I just a person who relied on faith too much?
Or am I afraid of being a faithful person?
I don't know. I just know I want to go to sleep and wake up in a few months. After the elections - when the economy is beginning to right itself - when I know something more about my job.
But it's now dinner time and I've got to start dinner. I don't even have time to go fishing for a quote or something profound.
Please pray for me. Pray for me to find my faith. To not be afraid.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Prayers Needed
I'm off work today. I'm supposed to be in Jacksonville watching Chris and Jonathan compete in their quartet competition, but they pulled out at the last minute. Jonathan had been sick the past few weeks so they were not vocally ready yet with the songs. Just as well... I wasn't keen on going up there and spending all that money on a hotel room, event tickets and food - especially if they were going to sing the same two songs they just competed with a few months ago. So I took the vacation day today and am going to go visit my mom in a few minutes.
In the meantime, I thought I'd get in a quick blog to ask you all to say a quick prayer for Kayla.
A month or so ago she had a sore throat. I looked and her tonsils were swollen, so I took her to the pediatrician. While on the way, my sister Katie told me I should ask them about her hair falling out while I was there. Good idea, might as well kill two birds with one stone at this doctor's visit! So we did - and he ordered some blood work to find out what was going on. He said she would probably need to see a dermatologist for the hair falling out, but the blood test might give us some clues as to what was going on. Good stuff. She didn't need to go 'fasting' because they weren't looking for blood sugar or anything - so we went on afternoon last week.
The Doctor himself called me on Monday. I used to work for this group of Doctors and my first thought... if the Doctor is calling me and not his nurse... this can't be good.
He proceeds to tell me that her blood work came back abnormal. "Good," I thought, "this will explain why her hair is falling out." And I even said something to that nature to the doctor. He said the abnormalities had nothing to do with her hair falling out. The tests they ran for her hair falling out were normal. What came back abnormal was her blood sugar (it was high) - however, she wasn't fasting -- so he wants her to come back and do the test when she's had nothing to eat to make sure it's okay. He's pretty sure it'll be fine then.
The other abnormality was in her white blood count. Something called "eosinophils". It was more than three times the normal range. He told me that this typically meant one of three things. Usually it was either:
1) The test was just flat-out wrong. The only way to know that was to re-test her. We'll do that when she comes back fasting. We are doing that tomorrow (Saturday)
2) She has some really bad allergies. Now... if this were Kayte getting this news, I'd be like "oh yeah.. surely this is it! Kayte is allergic to EVERYTHING! But, Kayla?
3) Three is the not-so-good part. Three is that there is something else going on. Something like a tumor or Leukemia. This is probably NOT it. It's MUCH more likely an allergy we just don't know about. But still... that third possibility even being on the table -- it's just -- terrifying.
While the doctor was talking my ears were ringing. I kept thinking about Julie's history. Asthma/Allergies. Diabetic. Then -- of course -- Ron. Ron who died of Leukemia. Now... Ron isn't Kayla's birth father, so it's silly really to think that it could be in any way related. And -- even if he WERE her birth father -- the chemicals from the dirty bombs in the Gulf War gave him Leukemia, not a family history... so.... stop thinking about it Tina! Yet I couldn't process what he was telling me.
So much so that I had to call the nurse back and ask her to explain everything to me all over again so that I could write it down correctly and make sure that I had it all right.
On that same day - I get a phone call from my mom. Caller ID tells me it's from Tampa General Hospital. No biggie - she works there - it always says that. She says "Don't worry... I'm at the hospital." Now... I'm still fuzzy from the news about Kayla, and I say "Yeah, mom - well you work there, so why would I worry?" She then tells me "No, I mean I am IN the hospital."
She was working and something happened with her heart. She wouldn't get into details with me because she didn't want me to worry. She said they were just going to keep her for observation to make sure she was okay. She tells me NOT to come up and see her... she'd be fine... but she just wanted me to know.
(I might add that while I was at bible study she leaves me a voice mail telling me that Julie her "favorite daughter" went up to see her. Even though mom said not to. Yeah, okay mom. Next time you tell me not to do something... not to tell someone you are in the hospital... let's see how well that secret is kept. LOL )
They kept mom a few days and she's now home. But the news hit me hard on Monday.
I remember walking into an office where my boss was and saying "I don't think today could get any worse" and he SAID --- you really shouldn't say that! I kinda thought he might be right.
Just as I was leaving for the night I get the call that my little sister, Kayte, who is in Colorado with her family and is supposed to be flying home soon, has been at the ER with their baby (our God Daughter, Bella). She had been a little sick while up there. They were shopping and all the sudden, little Bella just started having a seizure. Can you even imagine? I can't. All I could think was my words "I don't think today could get any worse". She's home and fine now - she just has those seizures whenever she starts to run a high fever. Poor little thing. :o(
The other thing I'd ask for prayers about is - jobs. Prayers for Chris's job - that work will continue to come in and that he will be paid for the work he does (he has to invoice customers after the work is done... and then wait to be paid!). And prayers that my search for a job will be what and and where God leads me to go.
Thank you all!
"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."
-Albert Einstein-
In the meantime, I thought I'd get in a quick blog to ask you all to say a quick prayer for Kayla.
A month or so ago she had a sore throat. I looked and her tonsils were swollen, so I took her to the pediatrician. While on the way, my sister Katie told me I should ask them about her hair falling out while I was there. Good idea, might as well kill two birds with one stone at this doctor's visit! So we did - and he ordered some blood work to find out what was going on. He said she would probably need to see a dermatologist for the hair falling out, but the blood test might give us some clues as to what was going on. Good stuff. She didn't need to go 'fasting' because they weren't looking for blood sugar or anything - so we went on afternoon last week.
The Doctor himself called me on Monday. I used to work for this group of Doctors and my first thought... if the Doctor is calling me and not his nurse... this can't be good.
He proceeds to tell me that her blood work came back abnormal. "Good," I thought, "this will explain why her hair is falling out." And I even said something to that nature to the doctor. He said the abnormalities had nothing to do with her hair falling out. The tests they ran for her hair falling out were normal. What came back abnormal was her blood sugar (it was high) - however, she wasn't fasting -- so he wants her to come back and do the test when she's had nothing to eat to make sure it's okay. He's pretty sure it'll be fine then.
The other abnormality was in her white blood count. Something called "eosinophils". It was more than three times the normal range. He told me that this typically meant one of three things. Usually it was either:
1) The test was just flat-out wrong. The only way to know that was to re-test her. We'll do that when she comes back fasting. We are doing that tomorrow (Saturday)
2) She has some really bad allergies. Now... if this were Kayte getting this news, I'd be like "oh yeah.. surely this is it! Kayte is allergic to EVERYTHING! But, Kayla?
3) Three is the not-so-good part. Three is that there is something else going on. Something like a tumor or Leukemia. This is probably NOT it. It's MUCH more likely an allergy we just don't know about. But still... that third possibility even being on the table -- it's just -- terrifying.
While the doctor was talking my ears were ringing. I kept thinking about Julie's history. Asthma/Allergies. Diabetic. Then -- of course -- Ron. Ron who died of Leukemia. Now... Ron isn't Kayla's birth father, so it's silly really to think that it could be in any way related. And -- even if he WERE her birth father -- the chemicals from the dirty bombs in the Gulf War gave him Leukemia, not a family history... so.... stop thinking about it Tina! Yet I couldn't process what he was telling me.
So much so that I had to call the nurse back and ask her to explain everything to me all over again so that I could write it down correctly and make sure that I had it all right.
On that same day - I get a phone call from my mom. Caller ID tells me it's from Tampa General Hospital. No biggie - she works there - it always says that. She says "Don't worry... I'm at the hospital." Now... I'm still fuzzy from the news about Kayla, and I say "Yeah, mom - well you work there, so why would I worry?" She then tells me "No, I mean I am IN the hospital."
She was working and something happened with her heart. She wouldn't get into details with me because she didn't want me to worry. She said they were just going to keep her for observation to make sure she was okay. She tells me NOT to come up and see her... she'd be fine... but she just wanted me to know.
(I might add that while I was at bible study she leaves me a voice mail telling me that Julie her "favorite daughter" went up to see her. Even though mom said not to. Yeah, okay mom. Next time you tell me not to do something... not to tell someone you are in the hospital... let's see how well that secret is kept. LOL )
They kept mom a few days and she's now home. But the news hit me hard on Monday.
I remember walking into an office where my boss was and saying "I don't think today could get any worse" and he SAID --- you really shouldn't say that! I kinda thought he might be right.
Just as I was leaving for the night I get the call that my little sister, Kayte, who is in Colorado with her family and is supposed to be flying home soon, has been at the ER with their baby (our God Daughter, Bella). She had been a little sick while up there. They were shopping and all the sudden, little Bella just started having a seizure. Can you even imagine? I can't. All I could think was my words "I don't think today could get any worse". She's home and fine now - she just has those seizures whenever she starts to run a high fever. Poor little thing. :o(
The other thing I'd ask for prayers about is - jobs. Prayers for Chris's job - that work will continue to come in and that he will be paid for the work he does (he has to invoice customers after the work is done... and then wait to be paid!). And prayers that my search for a job will be what and and where God leads me to go.
Thank you all!
"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."
-Albert Einstein-
Monday, October 06, 2008
Just Brakes Doesn't Care!
I've never done this before - but - I'm going to tell you about our horrible experience at Just Brakes and tell you why you should not go there for your brake job, should you need brakes for your car.
Our Durango, having over 113,000 miles on it, has been having problems. Remember not too long ago the front wheel pretty much fell off the thing. Well, not even 'pretty much', it kinda did! Lately we've noticed some other problems with the Durango. When we hit the brakes, it made a clunking noise. We also really need shocks and struts because when we go over bumps in the road, you feel EVERYTHING.
Chris usually works on our brakes. Always has. But this time... he thought something else was wrong. The car didn't drive like it was just a brake problem. Not your typical brake squeeling or problem stopping, this was.... different. So... Chris thought - we should bring it to someone to have it looked at to diagnose the problem.
We decided to take it to "Just Brakes", because you know their slogan: "At Just Brakes, we really do care!". Sounded good. There is one right on Dale Mabry south of Lambright. We brought the Durango in, told them about the noise, and sat and waited for them to look at the car.
The first thing they called us into the 'bay' for was to look at the Master Cylinder. There was fluid in there, they said. Not good - he said. And he said it was a "Safety Issue" over and over again. He tried to show us this fluid. First, he took out a seal and went looking for a screwdriver. He stuck the screwdriver down into the cylinder, but - he said - it wasn't 'long enough'. Well... thinking back now... how did he know there was fluid in there? It was like he was FISHING for it. He then went to find something longer to 'show us' the fluid. He found a long stick of cardboard, stuck it WAY down the cylinder and pulled it out, and sure enough, about a quarter inch of fluid was there. Not good, he tells us. This could make our brakes spongy. Well... we don't have that issue at all. He tells us our Master Cylinder might have to be rebuilt, but that he would continue looking over the car. This was just the first thing he noticed.
We went back into the waiting room to wait. He called us back out to show us our brakes. Chris had put the left on the right and the right on the left when he did our last brake install. He explained that it wouldn't cause any problems at all... and he didn't see any 'wear' on them... but, he just wanted us to see that they were on wrong. Great, thanks for that Mr. Professional.
Again, we go back into the waiting room, and then again he calls us out. This time he shows us the rear wheels. Have we ever had the rear brakes done? Well... no. But, we've never had a problem with them. The guy tells us that he doesn't know if they are even working. Well, we can tell you that they do indeed work, you can drive down the road and hit the rear brakes and they'll stop the car just fine -- they work. Sure... they LOOK old, but the car IS a 1999.
I also noticed some things while I was sitting in the waiting room. There were lots of people waiting. One that caught my attention was a teenage boy with his mom. The boy had his cash in a bank envelope (probably just enough saved to do the $99.95 brake job they advertise would be my guess). Mom and the kid kept asking them to just do the $99 brake job, but the guy kept telling them that they couldn't do JUST that because of the "security issue" they had found. They couldn't NOT address the security issue. I made a mental note of that and wondered if this was going to come up later in our conversation when they try to tell us about our car.
Also while we were waiting, Chris was on his phone and did a Google Search on Just Brakes Dale Mabry Tampa. He found LOTS of websites of people complaining about being ripped off. Scammed. Horrible stories, and they all sounded exactly like what was happening to us. What they said was that once they go the parts OFF your car, they couldn't put them back on the vehicle. Something about putting bad parts on the car and sending you out the door... that being a security problem in and of itself. All of the websites said that nobody paid $99. for a brake job, that it was always more money than that.
With each story Chris read, he began to get increasingly worried. He finally decided to put a stop to it BEFORE they got all the brake parts off the car. (At this point they only had the wheels off) He goes out to the bay and tells the man to stop what he is doing. He explains that he was reading some things on the Internet that made him uncomfortable about having our car worked on here. Chris apologized for not doing that before we came, and offered to pay for his time that he worked on it so far.
The guy - probably 6' 3" and weighing in over 300 lbs, came in and was VERY upset with us. He asked what he had done wrong. We explained that it wasn't HIM, but that what we were reading sounded very fishy and we just felt better taking the car someplace else. The guy told us he had two kids at home and he would NOT scam anybody. I think he thought we went LOOKING for a scam website... we did not... they just come up when you google their name.
Anyways... they guy became very agitated. But Chris remained calm for the most part, just saying over and over again "just please, put my car back together - I'll pay you for my time - and we'll leave." But the guy was really upset. He said to Chris, "heck, you are the guy who put your brakes on wrong!". Nice. Then TWO times he called Chris uneducated.
The second time he said it... Chris got into what I can only describe as corrections officer mode. He stood up, pointed his finger at him (you have to remember the waiting room is full of people) and said "That's the second time you have called me uneducated. Now you are starting to piss me off". With that , the guy really started yelling - YELLING at us!
He ended it when the guy finally walked in with our keys. The big guy behind the counter get up, opens the door and tells us to "GET THE HELL OUT OF MY SHOP!"
Oh yeah... it really happened. Holy cow.
Oh, and the brake light came on as we were leaving. Think they drained out our fluid? I think so.
So.... please..... go ANYWHERE to get your car worked on -- but do NOT go to Just Brakes.
We did end up taking the car to the place we took it when the wheel fell off before. They were honest Christan men. They called to give us the good and bad news. The good news - there was absolutely NOTHING wrong with our brakes at all. The bad news, our steering knuckle and something else was bad, something to do with the steering. (Chris could tell me, I forget!) So bad that had it broken when we were driving, we could have had no steering ability. Scary stuff. He had to take the front end apart to fix it, so while he was in there, for no extra labor cost, he went ahead and did the shocks at the same time. So... the front end of the Durango drives really well right now. Assuming - that is - that God's grace continues to let the transmission last only as long as we need it! So far... so good!
I have more news about Kayla, my mom and my God daughter who all need prayer... but for now -- it's late, and I just wanted to get this blog in about the Durango.
"A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove...but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child." Forest E. Witcraft
Our Durango, having over 113,000 miles on it, has been having problems. Remember not too long ago the front wheel pretty much fell off the thing. Well, not even 'pretty much', it kinda did! Lately we've noticed some other problems with the Durango. When we hit the brakes, it made a clunking noise. We also really need shocks and struts because when we go over bumps in the road, you feel EVERYTHING.
Chris usually works on our brakes. Always has. But this time... he thought something else was wrong. The car didn't drive like it was just a brake problem. Not your typical brake squeeling or problem stopping, this was.... different. So... Chris thought - we should bring it to someone to have it looked at to diagnose the problem.
We decided to take it to "Just Brakes", because you know their slogan: "At Just Brakes, we really do care!". Sounded good. There is one right on Dale Mabry south of Lambright. We brought the Durango in, told them about the noise, and sat and waited for them to look at the car.
The first thing they called us into the 'bay' for was to look at the Master Cylinder. There was fluid in there, they said. Not good - he said. And he said it was a "Safety Issue" over and over again. He tried to show us this fluid. First, he took out a seal and went looking for a screwdriver. He stuck the screwdriver down into the cylinder, but - he said - it wasn't 'long enough'. Well... thinking back now... how did he know there was fluid in there? It was like he was FISHING for it. He then went to find something longer to 'show us' the fluid. He found a long stick of cardboard, stuck it WAY down the cylinder and pulled it out, and sure enough, about a quarter inch of fluid was there. Not good, he tells us. This could make our brakes spongy. Well... we don't have that issue at all. He tells us our Master Cylinder might have to be rebuilt, but that he would continue looking over the car. This was just the first thing he noticed.
We went back into the waiting room to wait. He called us back out to show us our brakes. Chris had put the left on the right and the right on the left when he did our last brake install. He explained that it wouldn't cause any problems at all... and he didn't see any 'wear' on them... but, he just wanted us to see that they were on wrong. Great, thanks for that Mr. Professional.
Again, we go back into the waiting room, and then again he calls us out. This time he shows us the rear wheels. Have we ever had the rear brakes done? Well... no. But, we've never had a problem with them. The guy tells us that he doesn't know if they are even working. Well, we can tell you that they do indeed work, you can drive down the road and hit the rear brakes and they'll stop the car just fine -- they work. Sure... they LOOK old, but the car IS a 1999.
I also noticed some things while I was sitting in the waiting room. There were lots of people waiting. One that caught my attention was a teenage boy with his mom. The boy had his cash in a bank envelope (probably just enough saved to do the $99.95 brake job they advertise would be my guess). Mom and the kid kept asking them to just do the $99 brake job, but the guy kept telling them that they couldn't do JUST that because of the "security issue" they had found. They couldn't NOT address the security issue. I made a mental note of that and wondered if this was going to come up later in our conversation when they try to tell us about our car.
Also while we were waiting, Chris was on his phone and did a Google Search on Just Brakes Dale Mabry Tampa. He found LOTS of websites of people complaining about being ripped off. Scammed. Horrible stories, and they all sounded exactly like what was happening to us. What they said was that once they go the parts OFF your car, they couldn't put them back on the vehicle. Something about putting bad parts on the car and sending you out the door... that being a security problem in and of itself. All of the websites said that nobody paid $99. for a brake job, that it was always more money than that.
With each story Chris read, he began to get increasingly worried. He finally decided to put a stop to it BEFORE they got all the brake parts off the car. (At this point they only had the wheels off) He goes out to the bay and tells the man to stop what he is doing. He explains that he was reading some things on the Internet that made him uncomfortable about having our car worked on here. Chris apologized for not doing that before we came, and offered to pay for his time that he worked on it so far.
The guy - probably 6' 3" and weighing in over 300 lbs, came in and was VERY upset with us. He asked what he had done wrong. We explained that it wasn't HIM, but that what we were reading sounded very fishy and we just felt better taking the car someplace else. The guy told us he had two kids at home and he would NOT scam anybody. I think he thought we went LOOKING for a scam website... we did not... they just come up when you google their name.
Anyways... they guy became very agitated. But Chris remained calm for the most part, just saying over and over again "just please, put my car back together - I'll pay you for my time - and we'll leave." But the guy was really upset. He said to Chris, "heck, you are the guy who put your brakes on wrong!". Nice. Then TWO times he called Chris uneducated.
The second time he said it... Chris got into what I can only describe as corrections officer mode. He stood up, pointed his finger at him (you have to remember the waiting room is full of people) and said "That's the second time you have called me uneducated. Now you are starting to piss me off". With that , the guy really started yelling - YELLING at us!
He ended it when the guy finally walked in with our keys. The big guy behind the counter get up, opens the door and tells us to "GET THE HELL OUT OF MY SHOP!"
Oh yeah... it really happened. Holy cow.
Oh, and the brake light came on as we were leaving. Think they drained out our fluid? I think so.
So.... please..... go ANYWHERE to get your car worked on -- but do NOT go to Just Brakes.
We did end up taking the car to the place we took it when the wheel fell off before. They were honest Christan men. They called to give us the good and bad news. The good news - there was absolutely NOTHING wrong with our brakes at all. The bad news, our steering knuckle and something else was bad, something to do with the steering. (Chris could tell me, I forget!) So bad that had it broken when we were driving, we could have had no steering ability. Scary stuff. He had to take the front end apart to fix it, so while he was in there, for no extra labor cost, he went ahead and did the shocks at the same time. So... the front end of the Durango drives really well right now. Assuming - that is - that God's grace continues to let the transmission last only as long as we need it! So far... so good!
I have more news about Kayla, my mom and my God daughter who all need prayer... but for now -- it's late, and I just wanted to get this blog in about the Durango.
"A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove...but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child." Forest E. Witcraft
Friday, October 03, 2008
Passed Audition
Okay, I can't BELIEVE it's taken me three days to post this....
I went to Toast of Tampa on Tuesday night for my second week. I auditioned, singing Alabamy along to a tape holding a tape recorder and Happy Birthday with three other parts in a quartet. I was SO NERVOUS, you just can't imagine. I think I had to start Alabamy 3 or 4 times... I kept messing up the words. Words? I knew this song from before - heck I can still do the choreography to it - why am I messing it up? I was nervous. I kept thinking to myself... I'm not good enough at Church... why am I here?? I tried to set those negative thoughts out of my head. Self-defeating. I know I am good at Barbershop singing. I can do this. So I actually held the recorder and did it with a little bit of choreography to help me remember the words, and got through it just fine. Not a lot of breath support because I was terrified, but good enough for a taped recording to get every note and breath right - not breathing in the 'no breath' spots and all that good stuff.
After rehearsal, the section leaders and director go into a room and listen to your tape. (No pressure) There they decide if you are good enough to go to the next step - the quartet. They asked me to come sing with the quartet, which I did.
Now all I have to do is the choreography and pay my dues, and I'm in! So exciting!!
I come home every Tuesday night (err... Wednesday morning by the time I drag my butt home) and I'm just bouncing off the walls. It feels REALLY GOOD to feel so good about something for me. It doesn't feel 'selfish' or anything like it did before... it just feels............... right. It feels good. I feel... empowered. Happy.
Sigh............ :o)
I probably should be a little more worried about singing in TOT without a 'job' -- given what is going on here with my job. But I'm not. I don't know why. I was talking to a friend of mine the other day at the grocery store, Ann (shout out - her husband reads my blogs every day!). She was saying how excited she would be - with the changes. Apparently she's used to changes like that. Me... who likes keeping jobs for a very long time and who's mom still lives in the house we moved to when I was 5 -- it's a bit more difficult to adjust to changes. But... I know that God provided me with this job and if He is moving me, He has good things in store for me. I'm really TRYING not to be terrified as I read the news about the lines of people looking for assistance who are well-qualified and just can't find jobs -- the statistics -- I instead try to remember that God has a plan as He always does and I must TRUST that plan. He will not let me down. He never has.
Speaking of plans.... Kayla came home the other day telling us that her Guidance counselor at school told her that she could become a Senior THIS YEAR and that she could graduate in June, 2009. Kayla said it was because she had "enough credits".
This made NO SENSE to me. How could she POSSIBLY have enough credits? First of all, if Kayla does, then Justin does too because Justin is in advanced classes and Kayla is in -- well, we'll just call them 'not advanced' classes. Sure, Kayla is older and failed a grade, but that was FOURTH grade and has NOTHING to do with 'credits'. You begin collecting credits your in 9th grade. How does she have enough to graduate a year early?
She then tells me that she would have to take ONE class at Night School. Well... this raised a flag to me because of the last time she 'attended night school'. You know - she went one night and then the rest of the months she hung out with friends until 9:30 at night, coming home telling us she was just getting out of night school? Yeah.... not good.
Additionally, I had concerns about her scholarships. I am supposed to meet with a VA Counselor their summer year just before they go into their Senior year to apply for the GI Bill. Then... there are all KINDS of scholarships out there that kids can get when they are Seniors. It's now October. How many of those are now gone to the kids who have been Seniors all year already?
So, I told her I wanted to talk to her Guidance Counselor myself. She called me and told me that she had two concerns... one that Kayla told her last year that she really wanted to graduate with 'her class'. I didn't quite get that... she's been with these same group of friends since 4th or 5th grade. I'd think she would consider this 'class' her actual CLASS. Sure she's a little older, but she doesn't look it nor act it. Anyways....
Second was the fact that the school kinda frowns upon having 18 and 19 year olds on campus. See, if Kayte who is 15, gets into a fight and hits someone - she is suspended for 10 days. If Kayla who is 18 hits someone -- she can be arrested as an adult. The rules are different.
I told the counselor that -- while I understood her concerns, I was more concerned about Kayla making it to college. I explained the GI bill and scholarship stuff to her. She then told me that Kayla wouldn't really graduate in June... that she is actually three credits shy of graduating. Even IF she attended night school, she still needed two more credits. They would then send her to Gary Adult School.
An Adult School? Really??? So..... what would THAT look like on a college application?? I would think it wouldn't look so good!
She then told me that Kayla could graduate in December 2009... which would get her credits out of the way AND she'd still graduate early, which is what Kayla wanted. The only problem with that is that Kayla would miss all the really fun stuff of being a Senior... Pictures, Homecoming, Prom, Spring Break, Grad Night, and of course, the graduation ceremony.
I think I've talked her into sticking it out her full Senior year, but am not sure if she actually will. We'll see, it will be completely up to her - the best I can do is tell her what I believe is in her best interest and tell her what will happen if she chooses otherwise.
Chris has been out of town yesterday and today. He took a job down in Ft. Myers or someplace like that.... too far to drive every day - so he got a $50 hotel room and is working the job away from home. We gotta do what we can, ya know? But the commercial jobs he's had are a true blessing at a time when the economic times have caused people to NOT want to work on their homes. For that, we are extremely thankful.
Chris just called me -- it's 4 pm and he's on his way home! Yeah! He wasn't sure if he'd be done early enough to come home today or he'd have to stay another day. I'm glad he'll be home tonight.
Maybe I'll run by my new favorite store that I can only shop for on nights like tonight - when the kids are going to be at Football and out for Friday night. Yes... I just discovered the Fresh Market. Oh my GOODNESS.... they have such GREAT food there! I mean, I can't feed a family of 6 there, but I can pick up dinner for Chris and I. :o)
Hey, speaking of things to be grateful for -- thank you to Gwen and to my boss at PERO Engineering who both pitched in money for Jonathan's trip to NY City for his chorus. Jonathan's chorus is going to NY City next year and they asked us to solicit donations. I guess I probably should have put that in my blog, huh? Well, donations are made out to "Gaither High School" and are to have his name on the checks so that they know it's for him. 100% of the money goes directly towards his trip. So, a big thank you to Gwen and Mr. Pero for doing that for us. If any of you are interested, let me know. I'm not sure if school donations are tax deductible - I'm assuming they are since the check IS made out to the school - surely that would be of some kind of tax benefit, huh? But I'm far from a tax expert - by a long-shot. LOL
For those who have been keeping Jonathan in your prayers - thank you. I haven't really given a status update, but things ARE going better. He is acting and feeling better. He's been seeing the Psychiatrist, we see a family counselor once a week, and things are going well. Heck, my boy even has a girlfriend at school! Chris and Jonathan are working on their communication, and I am working on my discipline of Jonathan.
Speaking of which, I tried something Wednesday that worked VERY well. Jonathan has a tendency to talk 'down' to me. Treat me with TOTAL disrespect. If you could hear the way he talks to me sometimes, it would make your skin crawl. But I've allowed it for some time, mostly because I can tell he's really not - happy. Anyways....
I was talking to him about a couple of things. Actually - no - I was giving him what I THOUGHT was good news. More on that in a second. But in the middle of my TRYING to talk to him, he was nasty and pretty much told me "I'm too busy to talk to you". My blood boiled, I'd had ENOUGH of him talking down to me.
I told him that from now on - any time he mistreated me and/or talked disrespectful to me... I was going to go into World of Warcraft (the game he LOVES to play all day and night) and lock out a 30-minute time block. One time block each and every time he does it.
Parental controls are a wonderful thing.
With that, Jonathan shut off the computer game he was playing, turned his chair towards me and gave me his full attention. LOL -- Love it!
The 'good news' I had to tell him was that I managed to get him special permission to use HIS cell phone at school - but only to take notes and put in reminders and homework assignments. I talked to his Guidance Counselor, who talked to his Assistant Principal and I told them about his Aspergers (which they know about already). I told them that we got him the phone so that he could keep on top of things because his writing is not so good. Organizational skills are a weakness for him, part of his aspergers. Many other people with Aspergers, and books I've read, said to get a Palm Pilot or phone to help him keep up in school. We did - but with the new 'cell phone ban' -- he can't use it without the risk of having it taken away for 3 days.
They agreed that - if it'll help him with his organizational skills - they want him to use it. They gave him special permission to use his phone in school without the fear of it being taken away. As long as he isn't texting or calling friends. Good news! Yet Jonathan wasn't so receptive.
It's time for me to run... Chris is almost home and I've still got to get to the store. AND I just found out that Michelle is coming over for Dinner and the Rays game. Friday Night Party Night has RESUMED! (We call Friday nights "Friday night party nights" because we do something just for us - sometimes just involves us falling asleep on Michelle's sofa watching the Dog Whisperer... but still... it's for US and without kids!) So... YIPPEEEEEEEEEEEE
Please keep us all in your prayers!
I went to Toast of Tampa on Tuesday night for my second week. I auditioned, singing Alabamy along to a tape holding a tape recorder and Happy Birthday with three other parts in a quartet. I was SO NERVOUS, you just can't imagine. I think I had to start Alabamy 3 or 4 times... I kept messing up the words. Words? I knew this song from before - heck I can still do the choreography to it - why am I messing it up? I was nervous. I kept thinking to myself... I'm not good enough at Church... why am I here?? I tried to set those negative thoughts out of my head. Self-defeating. I know I am good at Barbershop singing. I can do this. So I actually held the recorder and did it with a little bit of choreography to help me remember the words, and got through it just fine. Not a lot of breath support because I was terrified, but good enough for a taped recording to get every note and breath right - not breathing in the 'no breath' spots and all that good stuff.
After rehearsal, the section leaders and director go into a room and listen to your tape. (No pressure) There they decide if you are good enough to go to the next step - the quartet. They asked me to come sing with the quartet, which I did.
Now all I have to do is the choreography and pay my dues, and I'm in! So exciting!!
I come home every Tuesday night (err... Wednesday morning by the time I drag my butt home) and I'm just bouncing off the walls. It feels REALLY GOOD to feel so good about something for me. It doesn't feel 'selfish' or anything like it did before... it just feels............... right. It feels good. I feel... empowered. Happy.
Sigh............ :o)
I probably should be a little more worried about singing in TOT without a 'job' -- given what is going on here with my job. But I'm not. I don't know why. I was talking to a friend of mine the other day at the grocery store, Ann (shout out - her husband reads my blogs every day!). She was saying how excited she would be - with the changes. Apparently she's used to changes like that. Me... who likes keeping jobs for a very long time and who's mom still lives in the house we moved to when I was 5 -- it's a bit more difficult to adjust to changes. But... I know that God provided me with this job and if He is moving me, He has good things in store for me. I'm really TRYING not to be terrified as I read the news about the lines of people looking for assistance who are well-qualified and just can't find jobs -- the statistics -- I instead try to remember that God has a plan as He always does and I must TRUST that plan. He will not let me down. He never has.
Speaking of plans.... Kayla came home the other day telling us that her Guidance counselor at school told her that she could become a Senior THIS YEAR and that she could graduate in June, 2009. Kayla said it was because she had "enough credits".
This made NO SENSE to me. How could she POSSIBLY have enough credits? First of all, if Kayla does, then Justin does too because Justin is in advanced classes and Kayla is in -- well, we'll just call them 'not advanced' classes. Sure, Kayla is older and failed a grade, but that was FOURTH grade and has NOTHING to do with 'credits'. You begin collecting credits your in 9th grade. How does she have enough to graduate a year early?
She then tells me that she would have to take ONE class at Night School. Well... this raised a flag to me because of the last time she 'attended night school'. You know - she went one night and then the rest of the months she hung out with friends until 9:30 at night, coming home telling us she was just getting out of night school? Yeah.... not good.
Additionally, I had concerns about her scholarships. I am supposed to meet with a VA Counselor their summer year just before they go into their Senior year to apply for the GI Bill. Then... there are all KINDS of scholarships out there that kids can get when they are Seniors. It's now October. How many of those are now gone to the kids who have been Seniors all year already?
So, I told her I wanted to talk to her Guidance Counselor myself. She called me and told me that she had two concerns... one that Kayla told her last year that she really wanted to graduate with 'her class'. I didn't quite get that... she's been with these same group of friends since 4th or 5th grade. I'd think she would consider this 'class' her actual CLASS. Sure she's a little older, but she doesn't look it nor act it. Anyways....
Second was the fact that the school kinda frowns upon having 18 and 19 year olds on campus. See, if Kayte who is 15, gets into a fight and hits someone - she is suspended for 10 days. If Kayla who is 18 hits someone -- she can be arrested as an adult. The rules are different.
I told the counselor that -- while I understood her concerns, I was more concerned about Kayla making it to college. I explained the GI bill and scholarship stuff to her. She then told me that Kayla wouldn't really graduate in June... that she is actually three credits shy of graduating. Even IF she attended night school, she still needed two more credits. They would then send her to Gary Adult School.
An Adult School? Really??? So..... what would THAT look like on a college application?? I would think it wouldn't look so good!
She then told me that Kayla could graduate in December 2009... which would get her credits out of the way AND she'd still graduate early, which is what Kayla wanted. The only problem with that is that Kayla would miss all the really fun stuff of being a Senior... Pictures, Homecoming, Prom, Spring Break, Grad Night, and of course, the graduation ceremony.
I think I've talked her into sticking it out her full Senior year, but am not sure if she actually will. We'll see, it will be completely up to her - the best I can do is tell her what I believe is in her best interest and tell her what will happen if she chooses otherwise.
Chris has been out of town yesterday and today. He took a job down in Ft. Myers or someplace like that.... too far to drive every day - so he got a $50 hotel room and is working the job away from home. We gotta do what we can, ya know? But the commercial jobs he's had are a true blessing at a time when the economic times have caused people to NOT want to work on their homes. For that, we are extremely thankful.
Chris just called me -- it's 4 pm and he's on his way home! Yeah! He wasn't sure if he'd be done early enough to come home today or he'd have to stay another day. I'm glad he'll be home tonight.
Maybe I'll run by my new favorite store that I can only shop for on nights like tonight - when the kids are going to be at Football and out for Friday night. Yes... I just discovered the Fresh Market. Oh my GOODNESS.... they have such GREAT food there! I mean, I can't feed a family of 6 there, but I can pick up dinner for Chris and I. :o)
Hey, speaking of things to be grateful for -- thank you to Gwen and to my boss at PERO Engineering who both pitched in money for Jonathan's trip to NY City for his chorus. Jonathan's chorus is going to NY City next year and they asked us to solicit donations. I guess I probably should have put that in my blog, huh? Well, donations are made out to "Gaither High School" and are to have his name on the checks so that they know it's for him. 100% of the money goes directly towards his trip. So, a big thank you to Gwen and Mr. Pero for doing that for us. If any of you are interested, let me know. I'm not sure if school donations are tax deductible - I'm assuming they are since the check IS made out to the school - surely that would be of some kind of tax benefit, huh? But I'm far from a tax expert - by a long-shot. LOL
For those who have been keeping Jonathan in your prayers - thank you. I haven't really given a status update, but things ARE going better. He is acting and feeling better. He's been seeing the Psychiatrist, we see a family counselor once a week, and things are going well. Heck, my boy even has a girlfriend at school! Chris and Jonathan are working on their communication, and I am working on my discipline of Jonathan.
Speaking of which, I tried something Wednesday that worked VERY well. Jonathan has a tendency to talk 'down' to me. Treat me with TOTAL disrespect. If you could hear the way he talks to me sometimes, it would make your skin crawl. But I've allowed it for some time, mostly because I can tell he's really not - happy. Anyways....
I was talking to him about a couple of things. Actually - no - I was giving him what I THOUGHT was good news. More on that in a second. But in the middle of my TRYING to talk to him, he was nasty and pretty much told me "I'm too busy to talk to you". My blood boiled, I'd had ENOUGH of him talking down to me.
I told him that from now on - any time he mistreated me and/or talked disrespectful to me... I was going to go into World of Warcraft (the game he LOVES to play all day and night) and lock out a 30-minute time block. One time block each and every time he does it.
Parental controls are a wonderful thing.
With that, Jonathan shut off the computer game he was playing, turned his chair towards me and gave me his full attention. LOL -- Love it!
The 'good news' I had to tell him was that I managed to get him special permission to use HIS cell phone at school - but only to take notes and put in reminders and homework assignments. I talked to his Guidance Counselor, who talked to his Assistant Principal and I told them about his Aspergers (which they know about already). I told them that we got him the phone so that he could keep on top of things because his writing is not so good. Organizational skills are a weakness for him, part of his aspergers. Many other people with Aspergers, and books I've read, said to get a Palm Pilot or phone to help him keep up in school. We did - but with the new 'cell phone ban' -- he can't use it without the risk of having it taken away for 3 days.
They agreed that - if it'll help him with his organizational skills - they want him to use it. They gave him special permission to use his phone in school without the fear of it being taken away. As long as he isn't texting or calling friends. Good news! Yet Jonathan wasn't so receptive.
It's time for me to run... Chris is almost home and I've still got to get to the store. AND I just found out that Michelle is coming over for Dinner and the Rays game. Friday Night Party Night has RESUMED! (We call Friday nights "Friday night party nights" because we do something just for us - sometimes just involves us falling asleep on Michelle's sofa watching the Dog Whisperer... but still... it's for US and without kids!) So... YIPPEEEEEEEEEEEE
Please keep us all in your prayers!
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