Friday, June 30, 2006

Kids Are Home

Well.... the kiddos are home! They're bouncing off the walls as I type (they are home, I'm at work) - they had SUCH a BLAST! Kayla's already called and asked if a friend she met at the camp can come over the house tonight and sleep over. Of course we're okay with that -- they have kids eat and/or sleep over all the time. I do kinda feel bad for that girl's mom... if she missed her kids as much as I missed mine - I wouldn't let them go over someone else's house to sleep over! (Course, they are not allowed to sleep over any one's house per State rules)

Jonathan got an award - he got the "Leadership Award" given to only ONE camper. WOW! Kayla, Justin and Kayte all got "All Around Great Camper" award. Just awesome. I'm sure they'll have plenty to talk to me about tonight.

But first... I have to go to the doctors tonight. I've had a migraine headache for no less than a week now, and I'm just sick of it. I used to be on a preventative migraine medicine, which I stopped taking when I had no insurance. Now I'm off the pills, but have insurance -- and the only thing I've got to take for these migraines is Advil... which only helps for a little bit (when it helps that is).

Chris thought maybe the migraines are tied to weight loss. I've lost about 15 pounds in the past couple of weeks. My body feels better... let me explain.... approx 5 years ago I got very sick. I couldn't eat anything without being sick and in pain. I thought I had anorexia or something... and was afraid to go to the doctors. When I finally went, (I was losing weight like crazy) I found out I had gallstones. I had the GB removed, but still every time I ate, I had stomach problems after. If I ate candy bars or ice cream or cookies (stuff like that) I didn't get sick. So I continued to lose weight, eating nothing other than junk food... WHEN I ate. (Which was not very often. We're talking every few days - I'd at one point gone 5 days without eating) I ended up about 120 pounds and stayed that way up until about 3 years ago. Long story short... the problem was this - the less I ate, the more sick I became. I was stuck in a vicious cycle and didn't know it. When I began to eat 3 times a day... guess what happened? That's right... I wasn't sick. Imagine that. My body however was not prepared for this introduction of regular food for the first time after nearly 5 years of turmoil. I began to gain weight like crazy... ending up where I am now. However, I will tell you this - I'd rather be heavy the rest of my life than live ONE single day as horrible as I felt at 120 lbs. I honestly felt that I was going to die when I was that thin. I slept all the time and had no energy. Every morning I got up and felt happy that I lived another day. I looked happy (I mean, heck - I looked HOT!) but... inside I felt like I was living my last day on earth every single day. A nutritionist once told me that it wasn't most likely WHAT I was eating that was causing me to gain weight, it was that my body's chemistry was totally messed up from the years of messed up eating (or lack of) - and she told me - it could take YEARS for my body to get back to normal. Just flipping great, huh? Flash forward to today... and I find myself losing weight for no apparent reason. Heck, I'll take it! But I just have this feeling.... this feeling that my body is beginning to re-adjust itself. Which is GREAT! But the headaches are horrible. And it's funny, I've long ago cut out all the trigger foods... sweets, soda, wine (okay, still drink wine on occasion! But none in well over a week) and still the migraine is here. UGG

So... I'll go to the doctors and see what's up. I'm going to have to be a 'walk-in'... so I'm sure I'll end up waiting. But it'll be worth it to get something to take this away once and for all.

This isn't my worst migraine - I once had a 16-day migraine which was non-stop. I remember keeping a log of all the meds I was taking... Advil, Tylenol, anything I could get my hands on but nothing worked. I remember thinking that I now knew how people could put a gun to their head and pull the trigger. Sounds morbid... but... it was that bad. I didn't want to do it (don't call the funny farm on me!) I just understood how someone could think about it. They ended up giving me a cocktail of many different meds, which did break the cycle. That's when I first got on the preventative meds. I also remember after that how surprising it was to go a whole day with no headache. Hard to think about that now........ owie my head!!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Quiet In The House

Let me just tell you how weird it is to be home with no kids. VERY WEIRD!

We came home tonight and cleaned house (not too hard, nothing really a mess) - then cooked dinner (2 pork chops and a small bit of potatoes) - and were eating dinner when Chris and I both realized it was only 6:30. We watch a little TV and quickly realize we don't want to sit in front of the boob-tube (as my father liked to call it) all night, so we got up to try to find other things to do. Chris to the computer, I cleaned up dinner. Now Chris is fixing some plumbing in the bathroom and I'm blogging. I called Amanda to see what's going on with her. It's just.......... so quiet home alone.

You need to realize here that Chris and I had Amanda right out of high school (like... the week after - I graduated 9 months and 1 week pregnant). We went from being kids at home with mom and dad to BEING the mom and dad at home in a day. We've never done the whole 'us' thing... just he and I. It's just -- WEIRD. I suppose this is what it'll be like when Jonathan grows up and moves out. **bashes head against the keyboard** No! I won't let it happen. **grin**

So... Julie called today totally flipping out. She didn't get her Social Security check today so she called to find out why. (And yes, she's still in LA) Well.... here's the deal. When the kids lived at home, each of them got a Social Security check... so 4 total (Julie and then the 3 kids) This was because Ron died, it's called a 'survivor benefit'. When the kids moved in with me, Julie was still getting their checks. Ehhhh... wrong! So I went to Social Security and told them that I had custody of the kids. Eventually I got their checks to come to me. (Thank goodness) However, Julie still had HER check going to her account. Well.... come to find out - that check was supposed to be to help her care for the kids too... it's a benefit that's given to the surviving spouse when a parent dies and has kids at home under the age of 16. They finally figured out that Julie's at home with no kids, so she shouldn't have gotten the money. She was supposed to report changes to them, and now... Social Security wants their money back. Julie was just flipping out about this earlier. Now don't feel too terribly bad - she still gets about 2,000 a month from the VA. So she CAN make it.

She's now dealing with it a little better -- she's going to get a job at MacDonald's when she gets back. It'll be good for her to work anywhere. Oh, and before you ask... I did call Social Security and ask if I was entitled to the benefits that Julie was getting since I was the person now raising Ron's kids. Nope. But... apparently - if I understood him correctly - eventually they will raise the amount of money they are giving the kids. It's supposed to be evenly divided - so if they don't give it to Julie, that amount will be split 3 ways and put in the 3 kids checks. Of course... it's the government and that will take a while. You'd think since they stopped her check this month, they'd have figured out already to put it in the kids checks, but they didn't. Ah... the slow moving wheels of our government.

Oh... and I DID call the kids today. I couldn't help myself. I figured that it was Justin's birthday yesterday and so I'd call him today and wish him a happy late birthday. He said they were all having a BLAST... that this camp was so much fun! He said everyone wished him a happy birthday yesterday, even the whole camp sang to him at dinner. He also told me Jonathan was having a GREAT time (you know I was worried since this was his first time at camp). Whew.... one less thing to worry about. Chris is going to pick them up at noon on Friday, and I can't wait for........... oh gosh, I can't believe I'm going to say this....... I can't wait for the kids to be at home. For laughter, drama, and yes - even chaos - to fill the house again.

Here's a funny thing to mention... while the kids were home, we averaged 40 phone calls a day. EVERY day. Since they've been gone... 3 -4 a day. Can you believe it??

I have been monitoring their 'myspace' in their absence, and I think there are going to be some MAJOR changes when they get back. Chris talks about taking it away from them all together, but I'm thinking more along the lines of allowing them to have a set maximum number of friends. I don't know what we are going to do. Kayla is at the age where, if we do too much she'll rebel. Been there done that with Amanda. I'll pray about it some and try to figure out before Friday what we're going to do.

Looks like Chris is done with the bathroom. I better go enjoy this time with him. Speaking of... we are having a 'date night' tomorrow. I think we're going to try to go to dinner and a movie! That'll be a fun change of pace. Amanda had a boyfriend at one time that got us into Superman so we've got to go see the movie!

Fight With Julie

Well.... I took all that I could take and I finally exploded yesterday on Julie. I feel kinda bad about it.... reiterate the "kind-of" there. She wrote me a note telling me how much she appreciated me taking the kids and not allowing them to go to Foster Homes or to a group home.... and told me this: "My life is in your hands". This came on top of a dozen emails (with pictures) telling me what a wonderful time she's having in Los Angeles. Yeah... I let her have it alright.

I sent her this... (among other things): ** warning - what you are about to read is not very Christian of me... it's a heartfelt open letter to my sister**

Frankly I'm torn as to how I feel about you traipsing up to LA... I'm here working my ass off all day to pay for everything your kids need... while you are either at home on your ass chatting all day or off playing around with your friend in LA. You keep looking for FREE parenting classes... while I pay $75 every time your three kids go to therapy (every other week or every 3 weeks). You have no problem asking your 'friend' for money to fly you up to LA and for all your expenses once there, but you won't ask for money to go to parenting classes or for the food that you said you so badly needed. Priorities Julie. I know you think you are 'working hard' to get them back... well... what happened to the long term treatment? Have you completely, 100% distanced yourself from all the trash that lives in your neighborhood that your kids used to get into trouble with? If it's so hard because they 'live in your neighborhood' then for goodness sake... MOVE. Sell your house, take the equity and profit and buy something else in a different neighborhood. Did you know that the High School Kayla and Justin were supposed to go to is an F school? Meaning, they don't teach shit and they are on probation with the state of Florida for being so horrible. Move somewhere with better schools. Your kids are going to have scholarships for college thanks to Ron... if you want them to have ANY chance in college, they at least need a good high school experience (learning wise, not friends wise). These are things that responsible parents think about. Have you looked to see how your kids schools are rated? Did you keep in contact (via phone, email, or in person) with your kids teachers, guidance counselors and principal? (Not just when they are in trouble)

I'm upset. Upset that you keep thinking I've done you some favor... and I really don't want to think of it that way, because if I did... then I WOULD be pissed off. I've got my hands 100% completely full. Kayla with boys... Kayte with friends... Justin with other things... and of course bills (electric is now up to over $300 a month, water is up to $170, and I just spent $600 at a discount grocery store buying enough food for these growing kids who eat as if they have tapeworms). You writing me from LA thanking me for doing this for you is not really what I want right now.

So... I just got off the phone with Karen (DCF lady). She honestly believes Julie will never get the kids back again. She thinks that even entertaining a conversation in which Julie is discussing what's going to happen when she gets the kids back is fruitless and should be avoided. There is one Doctor she's trying to set up an assessment with, and she's left him no less than 3 messages this past week trying to set up an appointment. But again... the slow-moving wheels of 'the system'. This is the expensive, long and very detailed assessment that will tell the courts once and for all if Julie will or will not be able to parent - ever. The very thought of that makes me want to vomit. Not because of the kids... I've come to realize we will most likely have these kids the rest of their teenage lives. But it will devistate Julie. And... she's my sister, ya know? Karen just kept saying that Julie "Just doesn't get it". Sigh....

So more on the kids being gone away to camp. I've still not called the camp to check on the kids. Everyone keeps telling me not to do it. But I'm dying inside without them... I just want to hear from Jonathan telling me if he's having a good time or not. For what reason I've no idea whatsoever... I fully realize that there's nothing I can do if he's not having a good time. But then again... who goes to camp their first time and doesn't have a good time???? LOL

So - I went to chorus last night (Toast of Tampa) - and finally joined! Funny... like 2 minutes after handing in my check I was given my first job. LOL. But I just love working for them... doing things within the chorus and keeping busy. I'll be entering music using Finale for now... but I'm sure other jobs will come along and I'm excited to get them!

Oh, and about the Church choir. Well... they are auditioning for their praise team, which Chris and I have been wanting to join since we first stepped foot into the church. But I don't know... maybe they don't want us, maybe we're not what they are looking for. Plus... there's the whole auditioning thing. I mean, I auditioned for Toast of Tampa - but live... in front of people... with a microphone... alone????? Oh good Lord. I don't know that I can. Stand with a group of 4 or 6 or whatever and rock the house... yes. But... all alone??? And I have to go and get a soundtrack to sing along with. Alone. Chris really wants to do it. And... I'm ready to be a part of the praise team if that's what the church wants of me... but ready to audition.... alone? Can you tell the all alone part is what's killing me here?? I mean, I don't have a solo voice, I know I don't. I can sing the snot out of barbershop - lift - ring - forward motion - no problem. But a solo... alone.... yeah, I'm having definate fright issues with this. Pray for me... pray that I'll make the right decision on what to do with this one.

More later! Please continue to pray for all of us.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Summer Camp

Well, the kids are gone to summer camp.

Yes, Chris and I are very excited... but I also didn't sleep much last night. You see, Julie's kids have been to summer camp before, my kids never have. Jonathan was so anxious about it that on Saturday night he didn't fall asleep until 3am (and then got up at 7am for camp). So... yes... I'm find myself thinking about Jonathan all the time. "Did he make it there okay?" "I'll bet right about now he's eating dinner." "He's probably going to bed about now. I wonder if he's scared of the dark, or of bugs." "I wonder if he misses me as much as I miss him?" Yes, I found myself in tears a couple of times last night. I never in a million years thought I'd be thinking this way. Sigh....

I sat in the empty quite house yesterday afternoon watching TV and doing clothes.... Chris napping on the sofa. It was so quiet and so empty, I wanted to get out of the house. We went to my sister Katie's house to help her with a computer problem. We also went to visit Jimmie who is home from the hospital (and actually answered the door when we knocked). He looks great!! Praise God. Still we had to go home to the quiet empty house. Both cats were sitting on the stairs when we got home, looking at us as if to say... "Where are the kids???". They have grown quite attached as well. (Jinx loves Kayla, and Grace loves Jonathan).

But the upside is that Chris and I have the house to ourselves. When I got up this morning, there was just as much milk left as there was yesterday. The floors (which I tried to clean yesterday) look as good as they did yesterday. Everything is right where I left it. And that feels freakishly good.

But still....... how I miss Jonathan. It's early morning on Monday -- I wonder what he has planned for today. I hope he remembers to take his medicine. I hope nobody picks on him. Oh gosh... there I go again!!! Stop it Tina!

I need to try to find something else to do. Go to work... yeah that's it!......

Thursday, June 22, 2006

The Calvary

Okay... this is fair warning.... I'm a wee bit down today. Call me monthly... call me grumpy... but I'm just freaking out about everything today. Nothing drastic has changed since yesterday... so I know it's just me. So this is fair warning... family members who may want to read - keep reading. Anyone who doesn't want to hear the ramblings of a hormonal crazy woman, stop reading now.

So.... the kids are home today (as they always are since school is out) and - Chris calls about 3:30. Tampa Electric has come and shut off our electricity. Just great. I thought I had all the finances worked out... I knew we were tight since vacation... and we were totally buckled down on everything possible. Then came the $600 in food Saturday that is still giving me shivers every time I think about it. Well... with TECO, the long story short, they had my phone number crossed with someone else's account. I called to 'extend the payment' knowing this month was going to be horrid, and I actually extended someone else's payment. Great. Course the customer service folks at TECO can't help me... they can't grasp the concept that the phone number tied to my account in their computer system is wrong. So, after 3 people (the last one telling me I had to hang up and call back to Customer Service and start all over again) I decided to ask for a supervisor, who immediately saw the problem as I explained it. Seeing that we were never late with bills before, she gladly extended the payment and is sending someone over to turn the power back on (sometime before Midnight tonight -- grrrrreat -- take your time!).

And, speaking of Electric, I'm still blown away by how much everything has gone up since getting the kids. Electric. Water. Food. Listening to a christian song right now... "Indescribable"... yeah... that totally sums up how I feel. Indescribable.

I totally get how blessed I am. I totally understand that my mother-in-law is sitting at the bedside of her husband having nearly lost him at the age of 56 only a week ago. One thing I've learned NOT to say to God is "what more can you possibly throw at me"... yeah... that's not a good thing to say to God. So, instead - I say "wow... you must think I'm really strong and special to give me all of these things!" Knowing that for sure God must have a way to provide for all of these things. House payment. Water bill. Electric bill. And lordy... the food. God has a way, right? Sure wish he had a checkbook. Just kidding. Okay, not really. LOL Yeah, my sense of humor is still here.

So... those of you who who don't know, I blog as if it were really my journal - I leave it and come back later. So... above was written yesterday (Thursday afternoon). Since that time let me tell you what's happened.

The electric was finally turned back on - thank the Lord. And... when I got home, there was... nothing to do. So, we sat down in the living room together and all talked. We talked about how we could consider this 'practice' for what would happen if we lost power during a hurricane, and how they needed to have things prepared in their mind for what they wanted to play and do. (i.e. cards, board games, coloring, etc) We then talked about things that were bothering us... and tried to make the kids more aware of those things. It was actually a really good talk. We explained how we purchased tons of food from SAMS club on Saturday and the kids had eaten ALL of the snacks already. We're talking about maybe 100 rice crispy treats and granola bars here... not a 30 pack. We explained to them how they needed to think about others... for example... choosing to eat 3 rice crispy treats and 2 granola bars for lunch instead of simply making a ham sandwich might seem like a good idea at the time... but we were out of all snacks within 3 days of purchase - and that was not thoughtful of them. I think they 'got it'.

Also I talked to Karen, the DCF lady. She told me about this program - SHARES Florida. In a nutshell... it's designed to help people with food in return for a minimum of 2 hours of community service a month. We're not talking about 'free' food... it's food you buy - only MUCH cheaper. Here's an example....

2.69 oz FC Ready to serve Bacon
6 pack of Hot Pockets in assorted flavors (Ham & Cheese, Pepperoni & Sausage, Pepperoni)
1.7 lbs Chix Drums
1 lb Lemon Pepper Chicken for Kabobs
1 lb Boneless CC Pork Chops
30 oz Rising Crust Pepperoni Pizza
Red Plums (5 each)
Granny Smith Apples (4 each)
Red Peppers (2 each)
2 lbs. Vadalia Onions
Potatoes (5 each)

All of this food for $18.00. Now, with the family of 6 I'd obviously have to buy twice as much.... but WOW all the food. Then they have specials you can buy.... Here is one for the 4th of July - 4 Boneless Center Cut Pork Chops, 4 Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast Fillets, 4 Beef Patties, 4 Bacon Wrapped Fillets, 4 Twice Baked Potatoes --- all of this for $18.00!!

Then they have other deals, like 5 pounds of Breaded Chicken Wings for $8.75. Holy Cajolie! Where has this program been??? Karen tells me that because of my service for caring for the three kids, my 2 hours would be easily counted... she'd sign the form for me. Woo hoo!! So... I go online to view the program details ( and again remember, ANYONE can do this!) and I realize that one of the 'distribution points' is Van Dyke Church... my Church!! YEAHHHH!!

Then I get a call today from Judy - our parish Nurse. She's calling about Jimmie - to see if there is anything she can do other than pray. (I had requested prayers for him) I tell her no, prayers are all we need. She's going to bring dinner over the house tonight for us anyways. God I love this church! I mean, we just purchased food, so we don't need it - that's why I said we didn't need anything. But her bringing over a dinner means that -- we can probably go to visit Jimmie. See... after work - get home at 5:30, clean house and get kids to finish chores, start dinner - cook - then eat - and it's already nearly 9pm - after visiting hours - not to mention we're exhausted.

Oh, and here's something else that happened. Yesterday - when Chris called to tell me about the electric being turned off... my boss was leaving for the day and was in front of my desk, waiting to tell me 'goodbye'. He sees that I am visibly upset. He asks why, I tell him 'it's nothing'. He knows I'm lying (I'm a horrible liar) and asks again. I tell him the elect was shut off at home. He tells me that - we are a family here at PERO, and I should have asked if I needed something - they'd find a way to help. So... I wait a while and then send him an email. I say, sure, "I'll take help if you can give it" - figuring that he'd give me my paycheck early. But that would be good... and bad. Good because we are down to nothing till the first of the month, bad because I only get paid once a month so I'd have to wait now 5 weeks till my next payday. He writes back and tells me that he can't process my check early as he's already submitted it. But... that he forgot to add in my new raise. So... on Monday (when he's in next) he'll cut me a manual check for my raise money plus 'a little extra to help with things'. What?? How GREAT is that??? I'm telling you, my bosses are angels sent from heaven. They are the ones who got me back in church. They really treat me like family. And I'm a mile from home.

I swear sometimes it seems like... I express how scared and frustrated I am... and God sends in the Calvary.

Yes, Lord, I am here... you have my full attention. How blessed I am that, when I am frightened, your love showers me and protects me. I know you are here. Yesterday I was thinking things like "Okay God, do you have a checkbook??" -- and rather than laughing at me or watching me suffer in my own anxiety... you answered me. Lord, let all that I say and do be worthy of Your many blessings. Amen.

Lessons Learned - Dinnertime

I decided I would start occasionally putting lessons I've learned in my blog. Since the kids moved in with us, they have learned a lot... but we too have learned quite a bit as well.

This lesson learned is the importance of dinnertime.

When Kayla, Justin and Kayte moved in with us, Chris, Jono and I ate mostly on TV trays in front of the TV. When the kids first arrived, I asked them where they wanted to eat (of course we didn't own 7 TV trays), and they said at the dinner table. We had to move to the dining room table as the kitchen table only seats 4, so that was a total change. The first thing I noticed was how excited the kids were that we were having real home-cooked meals. Apparently at home they had been eating a lot of MacDonalds and 'whatever was there', and they were never together. Now... those of you who know me and love me despite my inability to cook know that - for anyone to get excited because I'm cooking means they are pretty desparate. **chuckle** But seriously... they were very happy to have cooked meals. They told me that before their dad died was the last time Julie really made a dinner for everyone together.

So... we all sit down at the dining room table and eat. We started thanking God for providing and blessing us before we ate. The kids would talk about their day at school... friends, fights, tests, homework, projects - anything really. They'd act up sometimes... but mostly it's a time for connecting with each other every day.

We quickly realized that Justin had NO table manners at all. I'm not talking elbows on the table kind of stuff, I'm talking about eating as if he hadn't eaten in 6 days (literally shoving food into his mouth), not knowing how to cut food with a knife, talking while food falls out of his mouth... yeah... lots of things to work on. So, we've been working with Justin on that. But thank goodness we saw this while he's a kid... imagine as an adult taking a woman out on a date to dinner.... yeah... that would go over well.

They've all learned to say some kind of blessing over the food. Not a pre-planned prayer, but something straight from the heart. Even if they are thanking God for Ice Cream I bought last night, or asking God for helping them get off restriction... they always say what's on their mind and heart. **grin**

And Chris and I have learned that connecting with the kids - at least this one time a day at dinner - is extremely important. Don't get me wrong... we still have 'fend-for-yourself' nights where everyone eats whatever they want to cook, and we don't eat at the table 7 nights a week. (I'd say we do 5-6 nights a week) But we are getting better, and we do see the benefits of spending this time together.

When and if the kids go home with their mom and Jonathan is home alone with us... we will all think back to our times around the table at dinner and smile with many wonderful memories. And.... that is really what it's all about.

Monday, June 19, 2006


Well, I thought I should give you some updates on everything here.

Jimmie is doing better. He's still in ICU, but he's not having further Heart Attacks. We found out last night that he has a blood clot in his left arm, but hopefully the blood thinners he's on will help with that. He's also had to have 2 transfusions so far because he's bleeding into his stomach and/or lungs, but they can't stop the blood thinners for this. I've been told that, if all goes well, he might be going home very soon. However, he has a long recovery down the road for him even once he's home. It'll be mostly bead rest and working with therapist to build his strength back up. Please keep them in your prayers.

Julie is having a blast in Los Angeles. She's been to Mexico, has a picture window view of the mountains, and said it's all just wonderful there. I'm still torn over how I feel about her being there at all. The sister side of me is thrilled that she's there experiencing new things. The relative caregiver side of me that's raising her kids wants to scream at her and tell her to get her butt back in Tampa to finish doing the things she's supposed to be doing to get her kids back. So... I choose to say nothing to her about it at all. She's sent several 'wow this is awesome' emails, and I've not responded to any of them (they were sent to all her family and friends, not just me).

Dr. Vijapuri called me a week or so ago and told me that he wanted to see me sometime this week at my convenience. He said it was about Julie and "we both knew what was going on but that we needed to meet to talk about it". Last time I wasted my time there and we all agreed that Julie had the mind of a 15 year-old child and therefore would never parent children. At that visit, Dr. Vijapuri said that he wanted to 'string her along for another year' so as to not take away all of Julie's hopes and because it might 'put her over the edge'. Which I totally understand. He then he wrote a letter to the judge saying that she would parent again. So... I don't know what's going on with him, but I know I don't want to waste any more time over there unless it's going to help the kids. I think I also told you a while ago that the court had ordered another psychiatric exam, an extensive and expensive exam, to be done on Julie to determine once and for all if indeed she could parent the kids. Course, the whole thing will take forever... they've been saying they're going to get a second opinion since her first court date over 6 months ago. This, of course, has yet to happen either.

Chris had a great Father's Day, I believe. We went to church in the morning, then the boys helped him do the yard work while the girls and I went shopping. We came home, watched a little bit of "The 4400" (television show we taped), cooked steaks on the grill, and even went for a dip in the pool at the end of the night. All in all it was a good day.

We also went to see Doug on Father's day. He looks..... content. It was painfully apparent how difficult it would be to take over his care. He's refusing to shave now, and pretty much lies in bed all day and night, unless it's time to eat. But he's not doing this because he's depressed, it's physically difficult for him to transfer himself into and out of his wheelchair. He did ask us about going to a Nursing Home. He seemed to think they'd have more for him 'to-do' there. But the place he's at now has lots to do... he just doesn't get out of bed to do it. We also brought him a television so he'd have something to watch from his bed. He didn't seem to like it at the time because it was small and a little far away from him. We might need to bring him either a bigger TV or an extension cord depending on how he likes it after a few days. Of course, I couldn't go there and not hear from their administrator asking me if Doug had been approved for Medicaid yet... which he has not yet been approved for. It just takes a while I guess.... We also have not yet told Doug about his brother and sister passing away. It just didn't seem like the time on Father's Day.... Chris is going to have to find some other time to do that. How do you tell someone that they lost all of their immediately family in one weeks time? Sigh.....

We've been experiencing a bit of a grocery dilemma in our house the past couple of weeks. Like, we were down to practically nothing. So... I was driving home from work last week, trying to figure out what I was going to make for dinner with the little bit of food we had left. I was thinking.... they should have a website where you could put in what main ingredients you have on hand at home, search, and it give you some recipes of things you could make with that. Like... I had 1 lb of ground beef, lots of white rice, and green beans. Surely you'd be able to make a meal out of that... and the website could give you a few options of what meals you could make. Great idea, eh??? Course, me not being that great of a cook just looked at everything and said... uh... no clue. We ended up having pancakes and bacon that night for dinner. (The kids love it when we have breakfast for dinner!) So... yeah... the food situation has been a little bleak. Okay... that's an understatement. Course, we took a week to go on vacation, and Chris being hourly doesn't get paid when he's gone. Add to that the kids being on vacation and eating like HORSES, and it just makes it ten times worse. I can't begin to tell you how much food these kids can put away... and I know I talk about it often - but you really wouldn't believe how much food they eat. And, we're not talking about fat kids... they are healthy looking kids. So... we were re trying to make due with what we have on hand. But we are out of most everything right now... the fridge, with the exception of condiments and a little tea, was empty. We have 1 lb of Ground Beef, rice, and a tiny bit of oatmeal left. Oh and we have spaghetti and sauce, but only the 1 lb of ground beef, but we'll just make it stretch. The one thing we do have plenty of is canned foods (thanks to Julie's recent rejections from the Salvation Army). But there are lots things we'll rarely eat: olives, beets, diced tomatoes. So... we tried to do our best to get by. But we also fully realize how blessed we are. So this weekend, I went to Sams this time and spent... are you ready for this.... keep in mind... 4 teenagers home for summer break.......... $600 in groceries. Holy cajolie! I still have heart palpitations every time I think about it. I might need to get a second job to feed them. Kidding. Well... sort-of kidding. I was speaking with Dottie today (the kids guardian ad litem) who was saying that she really thinks the state HAS to have some kind of food help for our situation. It's simply unreal that the state, to this date, has given NO money towards the care of these children. Every doctors visit copayment, every meal eaten, every school supply, every after school or summer activity - all funded by us. It's surreal. You'd think they'd help... but nothing so far. Dottie is going to ask about it again. We'll see if she's able to work any magic.

It's funny - I've been feeling a little overwhelmed lately -- gee, I wonder why?

Please... keep all of us in your thoughts and prayers.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Jimmie Is In The Hospital

I need to be brief here... and I'm sorry for that. I'm exhausted, physically and mentally.

Last night we received a call that Chris's stepdad, Jimmie Dean, had a heart attack and was on his way to the hospital. At this time we had just arrived at Choir practice and we didn't know which hospital. When we got home we got an update and he had gone to Tampa General (the BEST place in Tampa if you're having a heart attack). Chris told his mom to call us if anything else happened.

5:30 in the morning we get the call that he has had another heart attack. His mom, Evelyn, was crying very badly (of course) Chris and I jumped in the car and headed to TGH. At that point, Chris had only had 2 hours of sleep, bless his heart. We arrive and find out that he had some Stints put in last night because of some blood clots were blocking his blood flow to the heart. They put him on blood thinner, but he began bleeding into his stomach - so they stopped the blood thinners. Well... because of that, he began to clot again.

6-something am and they are going to send him back in for more stints. Everytime they put one in, he clotted somewhere else. 2 hours later, they had opened up all of his aretries again, but also put him back on the blood thinners.

Long story short, between last night and noon today poor Jimmie had had four heart attacks. The one that he went to the hosp for, the one at 5am, another one later that morning, one while I was in the ICU, and a fourth when I had gone home to get Jonathan. That last one was very bad.... it took 4 shocks to get him back....

After that last one, he's been doing pretty well. He's sleeping now and we've all gone home to get some sleep. Chris is sleeping in a chair next to me as I type.

There's a lot more... but again, I'm exhausted.

Evie, if you are reading this, my prayers are with you right now. I know it'll be hard to sleep tonight.... and I'm praying hard for you and Jimmie.

Everyone else... please keep Jimmie Dean in your prayers.

Love you all.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Kitchen on Fire

Well......... I came home to a kitchen fire today after work. I had told the kids to preheat the oven and then at 5 pm to put an oven roast (I prepared last night) in the oven to cook for 2 hours. Apparently part of the element... that thingy at the bottom that gets really red and heats up the oven... broke. It began to spark and then flame, and worked it's way to the back of the oven. I'm told it looked like a fuse... like you see in the movie when they are setting off an explosive... and I've no idea what would have happened if it had gotten to the back of the oven with all of the wiring there that leads into the wall. Thank God Kayla saw it and Chris came home when he did.

So.... what's worse than a house full of 6-7 people? A house full of 6 or 7 hungry people with no oven! Ugg.

So I'm thinking... I've been waiting to cook this roast for a week. And it's started cooking, I've just got to finish it. Denise lives close by... as does Debi (the Lasagna Lady)... but how do you call a friend and say... "Are you cooking dinner tonight? No?? Well... can I borrow your oven to finish cooking this meal for about an hour and a half?" Not something you ask someone, ya know? Then what would I do... leave it and come back? Ask them to check the temp for me till it's done (that would be rude!)? Sit and wait for the whole time? So I threw it in a crock-pot and we'll hope it's done before we all go to bed tonight.

We knew the oven was 'going'... as is our refrigerator. But NOW? What a horrible time for us. I guess there really is no 'good time' for a major appliance to break... but the middle of the month?? UGG

So... we're going to try to fix it ourselves. (By we and ourselves I mean Chris of course). The part (element) is at Sears for about $32.00. Let's hope and pray that this is all it needs for now. We'll worry about a fridge and stove another time if so. And lets hope we can fix it quickly because as I've said in the recent past... we can't afford to eat out or order in anymore. So pray that it only needs a small inexpensive part and that we can fix it quickly.

I have a lot to be thankful for tonight. My house could have easily caught on fire today. If that had happened... and all the kids were home.... I shudder to think of it.

God is good.

The Power of Appreciation

We had a little bump in the road at Amanda's birthday party yesterday. I received this positive and uplifting message in an email shortly thereafter, so I thought I'd share it with all of you. It goes along with my focus this year on 'do everything with love in your heart' and doing the 'right thing'.... keep reading all the way to the bottom... I've got more of my own comments after this....

The Power of Appreciation
You hate your supervisor. There--you finally said it. You've been pussy footing around it (and her) for long enough now. That's it, you've had it! Let the truth be told--you hate your boss.

Your reflection in the mirror scowls back at you. You sigh, stop waving your toothbrush around, and stick it back in your mouth where it belongs. Fat lot of good that did! You still have to go to work today. You still have to face your supervisor. You still have to go along with whatever she says.

The worst of it is that you love your job! You have no desire to quit. You work for a great company, you enjoy your work, the pay is good, you get along fine with your coworkers--the only downside is your supervisor. But oh, what a downside! Her automatic answer to anything you want is no; her automatic expectation of anything she wants is yes. So, you don't get help when you need it, you don't get a recommendation for that new position, and you don't get vacation when you want it. You DO, however, have to respond with, "How high?" when she says, "Jump!"

The question is, how do you keep your job without losing your sanity?

Love thine enemy.

No, not "love thine enemy" as in plaster a phony smile on your face and pretend that your supervisor is a great person to work with--she's not! No, this is "love thine enemy" as in APPRECIATE your supervisor, VALUE something about your supervisor. Deliberately look for one thing, however small, that you find worthwhile about her. Maybe it's that she's always straight with you. Maybe it's that she works as long and as hard as she expects you to. Maybe it's that she challenges you to the very limits of your abilities.

You see, that's the true meaning of appreciation. It's not just another word for gratitude, a polite "thank you" after someone's done something nice for you. The thoughts you think, when you are appreciating someone or something, are thoughts about their worth, their value to you, what they mean to you, and why they matter.

Back to your supervisor. You know that one thing you found that you can really, truly value about her? Focus on that. For a couple weeks, as best you can, every time you see your supervisor, think about what it is you value about her. If she's been ornery with you, try to let go of your upset feelings as quickly as you can and-- you guessed it --focus once again on thoughts of valuing her.

What you think and feel about someone impacts how they think and feel about you. It's actually scientific. Quantum physics teaches us that in the realm of energy, like attracts like. You've felt this yourself many times. When someone's angry and yelling at you, you'll want to snap back in return. When someone is kind and generous toward you, you'll want to be giving toward them. Think of appreciation as a wonderful facilitator of energy. When you genuinely appreciate someone, they become more willing to cooperate with you.

How will this work with your supervisor? Well, the first thing that will happen, as you persistently, consistently value your supervisor, is that your opinion of your supervisor will shift. You'll realize that she rides you hard because she really cares about the success of the company. You'll realize that she doesn't like shifting around vacation schedules because she takes great pride in the smooth running of her department. You'll understand that she doesn't give you that recommendation to a new position because she wants to keep your good work in her department. As you persistently, consistently value your supervisor in this way, she will feel that shift and begin to value you and thus treat your requests differently.

What about in your home life? Would this same concept apply? You betcha!

For example, when you first fall in love, you may be delighted by your sweetheart's mellow, easy-going approach to life, which nicely balances out your wired, get-it-done-now approach. Six months down the line, however, when something isn't happening the way you want it to, you redefine his "don't worry, be happy," laid-back attitude as laziness.

Your sweetheart hasn't changed, but how you view him has. In the same way, your "just do it, and do it now" approach was something your mate admired in you--until it meant that you expected him to do something he wasn't in the mood to do (mellow soul that he is), whereupon your decisiveness became "controlling," and you become "bitchy." You haven't changed either, but your sweetheart's perception of you has.

How you view your true love is affected by how you feel in the moment. When you feel wronged, upset, or hurt by your mate, you are likely to forget what endears him to you and focus only on what displeases you. For example, you may ignore how loving your mate is with the kids and focus only on what a slob he is. Both are true. Your sweetheart may ignore how well you handle the family finances and focus only on how you can't stand the sports he loves. Both are true.

When you focus on what you don't like, don't value, or don't cherish about your sweetheart, you feel resentment. With resentment comes a diminishment of love. On the other hand, when you focus on what you do like, do value, and do cherish, you feel love. The love, or lack of it all, stems from what you choose to make significant. That's where appreciation steps in. If you deliberately, proactively choose to focus on what you value about your mate as much and as often as you possibly can, you'll find that the love in your life just grows and grows. Appreciation is a cornerstone of love, one of its most important elements.

Science increasingly shows how interrelated we all are and how we affect each other continuously in both conscious and unconscious ways. Make that interrelatedness work for you. Value everyone in your life, and enjoy the benefits of their valuing you in return.

Ah, the power of appreciation!

So... this sounds really great, and I fully believe everything it says (which is why I put it in my blog). But.... why is it so hard to do this sometimes? Why is it so hard to see good in people, especially after they have hurt you? It's funny really -- being nice to your supervisor when she's not nice to you, trying to 'shift' that energy, might be pretty easy I would think -- But being nice to someone whom you love after they have hurt you deeply, now that's hard. When it's someone who is or was close to you and whom you love or have loved in the past should mean that you would try harder to make it happen. Make it all seem more worthwhile. And yet... it's so difficult.

I remember the last friend I got really angry with. We had a fight, got angry, and don't talk anymore. The funny part is that I really don't think about her hardly at all. Yet... when it's family or someone very close to you, it stings every single day... the hurt just doesn't go away. I suppose God may have designed us that way... so that we could remember the family and work harder towards reconciliation. Or... maybe it's just me... I dunno.

I know, I know... some of you are scratching your head saying "What? You're fighting or upset with someone?" Yeah... I don't put everything in my blog for sure. Just mainly about the kids. And on occasion, it really is about more than just the kids. There's family dynamics. Friend dynamics. Spouse dynamics. Ah, the jigsaw puzzle of life and all it's little pieces. That's a fun word to type... jigsaw..... LOL

That's all for me today. When you pray tonight, pray that everyone will value one another as described above. Find the good in people and treat them with respect. Life is too short to go through days thinking about all the reasons you don't like someone.

1 John 4:11-12
Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.

Monday, June 12, 2006

20 Years

Well, today is my daughter's (Amanda) 20th Birthday. Wow. 20 Years.

20 years ago, I went into labor early in the morning. 20 years ago I was just barely 18, living at home with mom and dad, and had to call Chris and tell him I was in labor. He and his mom and Jimmie came up to the hospital later that morning. 20 years ago I was a terrified teenager who just graduated from high school only 6 days before today... and terrified over what path lay in front of me and this baby girl I was about to bring into the world. 20 years ago I couldn't imagine Chris and I being married a year, not to mention twenty! 20 years ago my sister Katie was a cheerleader in Junior High School, and my Julie was living with mom's best friend Jeanie and her husband Jon, up in New Hampshire. 20 years ago Chris and I, not yet married, would have this baby and from the hospital he'd go home with his mom and dad and I'd go home to live with my mom and dad. 20 years ago I brought this beautiful young life into this world knowing that she was something special and she'd go on to do amazing things.

Wow. 20 years. Happy Birthday Amanda!!!! I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We had a pretty uneventful weekend. Gwen bought tickets to Adventure Island, and we decided to go with the one year passes as it was amazingly affordable. So we went on Saturday and Sunday! It rained much of Sunday (thanks to our first tropical storm of the year) but it was nice because they didn't close the park and there were virtually no lines on any of the slides. The other nice thing about Adventure Island is that they let you bring in food. This is an amazing money saver and almost everyone in the park takes advantage of it... you see coolers and such with almost everyone there.

The pictures are up from our vacation trip. You can go to the following link to view all of them: I tried to attach one to this post, but Blogger isn't cooperating right now, so please just go to the link and check them out.

Everyone got a nice tan. The kids (Kayla, Justin and Kayte) all thought they couldn't burn (because they are half black) so they decided they didn't need any lotion. That lasted a day or so and they realized that they DO burn. So they applied lotion after that. All of them are now peeling though.

Everything with Julie is still the same. She'll be over tonight for a supervised visit for Amanda's birthday party. Amanda has apparently invited quite a few people over for cake and ice cream. Great... and I haven't cleaned my house as I was on vacation then spent this weekend at Adventure Island with the kids. UGG. Guess I'm going to have to bribe some kids to clean house for me today while I'm at work. **grins** Funny - I was complaining yesterday about Julie eating bon-bons and such while I'm working my ass off to care for her kids.... well, she sent me some emails today... her eye and her foot. She was bored and just started taking photos with her camera phone of her pedicured foot and her colored-contacts eyes. Come ON here... like anyone cares to look at your toes?? Especially me! I'm sitting here at work freaking out because we just got back from the vacation with the kids and money is going to be very tight for a while... so I'm working my buns off... and she's sitting at home snapping photos of her toes and eyes. JEEZ.

Speaking of working my buns off... I better run and get to work.

Thursday, June 08, 2006


Well, we're back from our sunny vacation on St. Pete beach! Woo hoooooo!!

The kids did just great. They listened to us, cleaned up after themselves (with a lot of reminding) and followed rules we had for them. I think they had a great time. The last time Kayla, Justin and Kayte went to the beach for vacation was when their dad was alive - so there were a lot of emotions they probably had to work through, but again, they did great. Jonathan was out in the sun all day, every day... and didn't burn! Can you believe it?? He let me put lotion on him plenty... and the 70 sun block I put on him allowed him to tan some without burning.

Again, Kudos to Katie and Tony for a great week. We really enjoyed it - and made some new friends while we were there. :o)

Report cards came in today... and everyone did well, as expected. Unexpected was one D that Kayla received. But I'm still relieved that she passed. Grandma Gwen is buying them all a ticket to Adventure Island as a reward (all 4 kids) - and they are super pumped about that. Thanks Grandma Gwen!!!!!

They have 2 more weeks of being home alone, then off to camp for a week. I'm not really 'worried' about them being home alone. I mean, they ARE old enough. I think they have been removed from the 'trouble' long enough to stay out of trouble, and I'm only a mile away here at work. They also can't get into a lot of trouble on computers. We have a total of 3 at home, the laptop (has always been off limits to all kids), the main computer (which is a good fast computer and our 'main' computer) and a slow old beat-up-and-pieced-together-hunk-of-junk computer. That has given them 2 computers to play on in the past. However, we keep finding tracking cookies and such on our big computer, and they have continued to save files, pictures (THOUSANDS of pictures), and downloading programs that have messed with our registry files on that computer, so we've locked the main computer. That means they now have the one slow hunk-of-junk to work on. It locks up all the time. It's slower than all get out. But it's going to have to be what they play on. I feel bad because I truly believe that Jonathan and Justin do not mess up the big computer, and I'm 99% positive it's the girls, but we can't regulate it and it's just easier to lock it.

Oh well, on to another subject.

Chris and I were talking last night about how much we have to tell the kids to pick up after themselves. I know I've talked about it before... but it's simply amazing to me how little regard they have for their surroundings. They drink kool-aid, leave the jug out, the cup out (dirty), the door to the cabinet they used to take the cup out wide open. They eat popcorn, take the bag out of the plastic wrapper, leave the wrapper on the counter, the cabinet door they took the popcorn out of still open, the remainder of the pack of popcorn still out on the counter. They do take the popcorn bag out of the microwave to eat it, but they leave the empty and dirt/greasy bag either on the sofa where they ate it, or on the counter where they poured it into a bowl. We are going to implement the locker method that mom recommended... locking up anything that they just 'leave out'... but it still doesn't help with them remembering to pick up after themselves. It's just sooooo frustrating. Again, I'm sure this might be somewhat normal to someone who's raised 4 kids and had them at the ages of 12, 13, 14 and 15 all at one time together -- but it's still amazing and frustrating to Chris and I.

Doug is still in the ALF, but we haven't seen him in weeks. Partly due to vacation, partly due to work, and mostly due to lack of time. I pray for him every night... please do the same. We heard some bad news before we left for vacation and need to verify the info then find a way to tell him. As you may recall, Doug just lost his only living brother to cancer a couple weeks ago. Now we hear that his only living sister is also very sick and has been given weeks to live. This will all be very hard from him and I pray that he'll be well enough mentally to take the news. I also continue to pray for the paperwork to go through smoothly for his ALF. She mailed a packet to me while we were gone, and I assume it'll be in today's mail. If this paperwork doesn't go through, I don't know what we are going to do.

Ooooo... I have news about Julie I haven't told you about! Okay... so you all know she has mental problems... bipolar... personality disorder... I don't remember all the diagnoses but you get the gist. Remember she's so poor, she has no money, had to get food from the Salvation Army? Well.... she chats on line all day long in a chat room for people with Bi-Polar disorder. In this chat room she made a friend, screen name "Changes". She also talks to this girl on the phone all the time. When I say all the time, you have to remember I'm talking about Julie here and I really mean ALL the time - hours and hours and hours a day. In Julie's words: when she wakes up she calls her and as long as she's home, she's talking to her, and when she goes somewhere, as long as she's in her car she's talking to her. So... really ALL the time. This girl, "Changes" is getting married in June and wants Julie to be there (Los Angeles California), but Julie, of course, has no money for this trip. So, Changes is paying to fly her in. Not only that, but Julie will be staying with them - staying in their home for the wedding and then after the wedding to make a vacation out of it. Just the three happy folks - Changes, new hubby and Julie. Now, there are parts of this that really hack me off, some maybe should bother me and some I know shouldn't, but I'll list my thoughts for you. First of all, Julie has never really met this girl. What if she gets there and she's some kind of whacko? Second of all, she's going to be WITH them for their wedding and staying with them AFTER their wedding making a vacation out of it. I mean, third wheel much?? Third of all is Julie asking this woman to pick up every penny of this trip. In my book, that's just not something you ask of a friend. But from what I understand, this woman is marrying money, so Julie doesn't feel bad about it at all. And finally, I guess I just want her to stay here in Tampa and focus on nothing other than doing what she needs to do to get herself better and get her kids back. I don't want to be working as hard as I do every single day to raise and instill values and morals in her kids while she's off gallivanting around in California. I mean, I know that it sounds odd since we just got back from a vacation... but still - we're working on this every single flipping day, while she's at home eating bon-bons, laying out by the pool when she feels like it, not working at all, and chatting with her psyco friends online every day. That wasn't very nice of me, huh? Well... it's how I feel. Sigh............

Please keep us all in your thoughts and prayers. I'll post some photos of the
beach vacation as well as the kids report card grades soon!

Love to each of you who keep us in your thoughts and prayers.