Saturday, December 27, 2008

Nuts For Christmas

I've been so busy I honestly haven't had time to blog. There is so much going on... I'll fill you in on the big things.

First things first: to those who get emails when I post a blog: Please know that it is NOT working very well right now. I've noticed I post blogs and then I don't get the email telling me a new one is posted. If any of you have a better application I could use instead of the Feedblitz, please let me know and I'll be happy to try it.

My boss decided to give me the $10,000 per year pay cut, but I told him I wanted my hours cut 20% as well. He wanted me to sign something saying that I would stay until April - but with that he would give me a larger year-end bonus. I disagreed with that, telling him that any year-end bonus I get is what I earned and should NOT be tied to the time that I work in 2009. We agreed that I wouldn't have to sign anything, but the bonus will be significantly less. This gives me the freedom to continue to look for a job now, without having to promise him I'd stay until April. If the 'perfect' job comes up in March, I'm able to take it.

Cutting our living expenses over $800 a month will be extremely difficult. Eating out and getting my nails done are things we are going to have to cut out for a while. We'll go from there and see what else we can cut. It's going to hurt - sure - but given the economy, I'm just going to have to do what I can.

The house here has been busy with kids anticipating Christmas and doing their own shopping. Kayte and Kayla both have jobs so they have been out buying their own presents. We decorated for Christmas and got a small Christmas tree for the living room. We got one small enough this year so that we didn't need to move any furniture.

The kids are doing pretty well. With the exception of Jonathan and his grades in school. He is going to actually make an F on this report card. Frustrating. Additionally, Kayla will have at least one D on hers. Neither of them seem to care much about their grades - unlike Kayte and Justin who care a great deal about what they make in school.

Oh - here's a great story. Remember the girl who was having letters sent to our house? Her boyfriend was in a court-ordered rehab facility and he didn't want the girlfriend's mom finding the letters, so he had them sent to OUR house? Well, one Sunday night about a week and a half ago, the doorbell rings. It's a woman about my age, and her son who is 22. Apparently this girlfriend had run away from home and the last place she was seen was MY house, as the brother dropped her off here on Saturday morning.

When I found out who she was, I asked her if she knew where her daughter's boyfriend was. Now... I knew that he was locked up in the facility, that he was going to get out on weekends, and that their 'cover story' that they were going to tell her mom was that he was in New York (so that the mom didn't know where he really was). She responded with "He's in New York" and then asked why I asked. I took a deep breath, walked outside (where she was) shut the door behind me, and began to tell her all I knew about the letters, her daughter and her daughter's boyfriend.

She was at our house for a good hour I'd say. We discovered that the boyfriend HAD been in town, but had to go back to the facility on Sunday afternoon. We tried to find out where she was, but none of her friends were helpful at all. We finally told her that, since her daughter had been missing for more than 24 hours, she should call the police and report her. It was about this time Julie made her way downstairs and asked me if I was still cooking dinner and if so, when it would be ready. I laughed at her immaturity and felt a little sad that she could not empathize with this mom at all. I mean... I'd never had a runaway child... but I can at least show some empathy towards her in the midst of her crisis.

They ended up finding her later that night over a friend's house. I did, indeed, make dinner after the mom left.... in case you were wondering. LOL

Other news is Julie. She reads these blogs and I know she's going to be upset... but here goes.

She has been good for a while - since February, her last severe overdose. Julie decided to get some surgery done on her hand. She was having some numbness in two of her fingers, so she went to a doctor who told her at her first visit she needed surgery. I don't get that and I know I've blogged about my feelings on the whole thing: no second opinion, no trial of other things prior to surgery - but whatever. Julie decided to do it just before Christmas.

Mom tried to talk her out of it - explaining that she would lose her job and would get pain medicine over Christmas. For a person who lost her husband, lost custody of her children, is mentally ill (bipolar with borderline personality disorder), who is a cutter and who often overdoses on whatever she can get her hands on.... to start pain pills and have surgery over Christmas seemed like horrible timing. Myself and my other sister felt that Julie probably just... 'needed' to go to the hospital. It's hard to explain but - if you go to the hospital and get medical treatment that often... sometimes it feels like it's 'needed'. I saw it often when I worked in the medical field.

Julie's visits have been really good in the recent past. Then, after the surgery, she started acting a bit odd. Her first visit was.... well.... funny. She was EXTREMELY loving - planting a big wet kiss on me and telling me how much she loves me while hugging me hard. She was talkative and even a little outgoing. Like I said - it was funny - and yet I was thrilled that she wasn't slurring so badly that we couldn't understand her - a giant fear which I had when I knew she was going in for surgery and being discharged with medication. But, Julie said that she asked them NOT to give her Percocet because she knew she 'liked it' too much and would abuse it - they gave her Vicoden instead. That's really good.

On Wednesday night we had a family get-together at my house with Julie, Katie and family, Amanda and Gene, Michelle, Evie, Jimmie and Danny. At last year's get together of the same group - Julie showed up bleeding with over 50 self-inflicted gashes across her stomach. (Not to even mention the ones on her arms) I have to admit, I thought about that a LOT and was hoping and praying that this year would be better.

Julie showed up that evening, and the first thing she did was chastise me for telling mom she was 'loopy' at her last visit. Well.... she WAS... but I explained to her how I felt she was so much different in this 'loopy' versus the other pain pills. As she spoke to me, she was slurring her words badly, and getting progressively worse. Before long, she was COMPLETELY out of it.

By the time Amanda and Gene arrived, Julie was sitting on the sofa, yelling simple words which made no sense. She's yell for Gene, multiple times, then not have anything to say... stumbling over words that made no sense when put together.

We kept asking her what she took... and how much she took... not knowing if she had overdosed - but she SURE was on something. She kept saying that she "only took one pill". Everyone in the house (which was everyone who was coming at this point) knew she was lying. I'd seen her several times after taking one Vicoden... this was NOTHING like that. She became agitated when everyone kept asking how much she took... and her kids (Kayla, Justin and Kayte) were getting VERY upset. They hadn't seen their mom this bad in a very long time.

My sister Katie took charge and told Julie that she was NOT going to ruin this Christmas party for everyone else and that Julie was going to bed. At first Julie refused, trying to say she was "fine"... but Katie insisted and told her to get upstairs and 'sleep it off'. As Julie got up from the sofa it was apparent that she was now unable to even walk on her own (she went downhill very quickly) -and so Katie and Chris both helped Julie upstairs. She almost fell down the stairs once, but Chris guided her and helped her keep her balance.

The next few hours were wonderful - spending time with my mother and father in law... Danny... Gene (who I rarely get to see because he works so much) and Amanda. Michelle who has become like a second mother to the kids. Katie and her kids looked fantastic and having the little kids in the house made the whole evening energized. There really is nothing like watching kids at the age of 5 and 1 rip open presents, happy with whatever is packed inside... heck, sometimes just thrilled to see a box!

We had tried to wake Julie up for the presents being opened, but she just wouldn't wake up. Three or four hours later, she made her way downstairs. I fully expected that she had slept off much of whatever she took, but she didn't - she was still EXTREMELY bad. Watching her try to look at photos taken on the camera... she'd hold up the camera to look at it, then her head would fall back and she'd fall asleep sitting up and she'd drop the camera. Then she'd repeat the same thing a dozen times or so. I kept asking her what she had taken. Finally she admitted that she had taken an extra strength Soma along with the pain pill. She claimed her surgeon gave her both.

Why would the surgeon give a very powerful muscle relaxer? That didn't make sense. Additionally... if she thought enough to tell him she can't have Percocet (she didn't tell HIM why, just told him she didn't want the Percocet) - then why did she take the Soma when she knows that she gets equally addicted to that pill? I told her that I felt we should call the doctor because -- perhaps she was having some kind of allergic reaction. The whole time I said this... I knew it wasn't a reaction -- everyone knew she had taken too much of something, and it sure as heck wasn't one or even two pills.

Her kids were now extremely agitated... Kayla wanting to call 911, Justin and Kayte not wanting to look at her. At one point, with Julie sitting on the sofa and the three kids there, Justin said "maybe she really did just take one pill and she's just tired". Everyone looked at him... and I looked that poor baby in the eye and said "Justin... look at her. Do you honestly believe she's 'just tired'?" Of course, he said no. But in that poor boy's heart he wanted so badly to believe it.

Julie kept wanting to leave and I knew I couldn't let her drive in her condition. I was going to let her sleep over, but the kids wanted no part of that - and I was going to respect their wishes. My options were to call 911 and have her evaluated - or to drive her home. Chris, Michelle and I decided to drive her home.

I have to admit that at one point I thought: if Julie had unsupervised visits, and she was in THIS condition... would she drive the kids somewhere? I thought about video taping her in this condition to show the court, or heck - to even show Julie later, what she looked like in this horrible condition. But I decided out of love and respect not to do that.

The next day Julie was calling and apologizing. She texted the kids multiple times asking for forgiveness. I think all of us were thinking the same thing: WHY would you do this before a party? The kids and I are in different places about the incident: the kids were mad, I try to be compassionate as I understand it's part of her mental illness - and to some degree, she can't control some of the things she does.

Julie later admitted that the hand surgeon is not the one who gave her the Soma - which just means that she's getting medication from multiple doctors and taking them how she sees fit. Not good... and I hope and pray that she's learned from it.

Christmas day Julie came over again. This time she didn't take ANYTHING but Advil or something like that for pain. She was a completely different person. My mom came over and -- heck -- at one point Julie got up and was doing karaoke with us! Too funny.

Our Christmas, none-the-less, was wonderful. We spent time together, shared the good times with our family and loved ones, and even though at times there was drama, everything worked out in the end.

I do hope that all of you had a blessed Christmas and that you kept in mind the entire time the REAL meaning of Christmas. The birth of our savior, Jesus Christ. One of my favorite Christmas decorations in my house is the "Kneeling Santa". It brings both worlds together, with Santa, hat in hands, kneeling over the baby Jesus in a straw bed. It reminds me so often of the true meaning of Christmas.


The sleigh was was all packed, the reindeer were fed,

But Santa still knelt by the side of his bed,

"Dear Father, " he prayed, "Be with me tonight.

There's much work to do and my schedule is tight.

My sack will hold toys to grant all kids' wishes.

The supply will be endless like the loaves and the fishes.

I can do all these things, Lord, only through You.

I just need your blessing, then it's easy to do.

I do this only to honor the birth of the One,

That was sent to redeem us, Your most Holy Son.

So to all of my friends, lest Your glory I rob,

Please, Lord, remind them who gave me this job.

Monday, December 08, 2008

Job Decisions

Sorry I've been so long without a blog. It's been a CRAZY week.

Justin is home resting. He had surgery on Friday to repair his torn ACL. He has been in a great deal of pain, and even ran a low grade fever for a couple of days, although today said he was doing much better. He'll be going to school tomorrow. I need to wake up EARLY to do this, get home, then turn around and get ready for work. I am NOT a morning person, so I'm not really looking forward to it, but - you gotta do what you gotta do. Right now he can't climb the steps to get on the bus, so I'll need to drive him for a while. At least until he has physical therapy enough to where he can make his way up the stairs on the bus.

Everything with Kayla is still the same. She's been.... "good" to me - nice and all - I'm just not sure how long that will last. I hate to say that.. But I honestly didn't know what happened last time, so I'm a bit leery. Right now she's going out with her friends every night that she's not working. As long as she tells me where she is going, how she's getting there and getting home, and she's not out too late, I'm letting her go.

Kayte is doing great. She loves working at the church, and I know it's really good for her. It's just hard knowing that 3 - 4 days a week I've got to plan on driving her and picking her up. Many times there are conflicts, like this Wednesday when Justin has his physical therapy appointment at 6, and Kayte is supposed to be at church at 6 the same night. Thank goodness her friend works with her and has an ANGEL of a mom who picks Kayte up often

Jonathan is still in his on and off funk. He had a stack of clothes in his room probably three feet high, and I just can't motivate him to do ANYTHING, he'd rather lay in his messy room and do nothing. Yet other times he is just witty and fun. I dunno...

I read the most interesting article in the paper last week that I really wanted to blog about.

You know how often times I tell you that the kids do things that are kind of bad, but they say they are better than their friends. Like Kayla telling me that her 2.something GPA wasn't all that bad because all her friends had worse GPA's. It's frustrating to make an argument to that.

An article in the paper (associated press) discussed how students today lie, cheat and steal, but say they are better than most of the people they know. They referenced a study they did of nearly 30,000 students in randomly selected high schools nationwide, both public and private. 64 percent of students cheated on tests, 35 percent have stolen from a store in the past year, 1 out of 5 had stolen from a friend and 23 percent stole something from a parent or other relative. It discussed the lowering of ethical standards in America and how we all let kids get away with it. And the stunning statistic that followed: 93 percent of students said they were satisfied with their personal ethics and character and said that "when it comes to doing what is right, I am better than most people I know."

I was talking to Chris about this and Jonathan was in the car. Jonathan told me that HIS school just did a study as well and found that 75 percent of kids in his school cheat.

What's happening to kids? Where did we go wrong?


I have been job hunting for so long without any responses and finally got a call for an interview. The position was for Front Office Manager for a cosmetic dentist in Temple Terrace.

I went to the interview, only to open the door and see 8 other people in the waiting room holding job applications.

Great.. A mass interview.

Well, they hand me the paperwork to fill out the job application. The first page was extremely odd. It stated that the doctor was a member of Christian Scientology, and that - although they didn't deal with 'religion' really at work, the entire office is run off Scientology principals and teachings by L. Ron Hubbard.

Obviously - I , being a devout Christian, did not get the job.

And for more bad news: my boss told me his 'plans' for me after the first of the year. I can keep my job, and they will lower my pay to what I was making when I was originally hired years ago ($10,000 less a year than what I make now.) However, he will give me an end of year bonus IF I agree to sign a contract stating that I will stay with them until the end of April.

April is when they are planning to move the office to a location closer to their homes (they build a year or two ago, one in New Port Richey and one in Dunedin). The new location will be in the Safety Harbor area... About 25 minutes drive with no traffic.

The thing I have to think about after April is can I afford to drive a 12 year old car that far every day for much less pay. Increase in gas as well as wear and tear on the old car.

I don't think it's 'legal' that they just decrease my pay - I think they technically have to fire then rehire me in at a lower rate. But am I going to comp lain about that little part of it? No... Because I am really forced to take the job, there just isn't anything else out there. What I have to think about is this: Do I want to be locked in until April? What is a better job come along and they want me to start in February or March? And... What expenses can I cut to make up for the $10,000 loss in income.

The part that really bothers me (other than working the same for much less pay) is that he wants to only give me a bonus for 2008 IF I agree to work until April of 2009 because they 'can't afford to lose me'. Well, a BONUS is something I earned from doing a kick-ass job in 2008! It shouldn't be tied to my staying at all.

It's a lot to think about. I've got to talk to Chris when he gets home from Pensacola.

I'm really trying not to stress about it. God has a plan, right? Right.

The funny thing is that I feel guilty for NOT feeling guilty about being back in Toast of Tampa, regardless of the lower pay. I just LOVE being back and singing that Barbershop harmony.

Speaking of TOT, they asked me to be a section leader my second week back as a member. How cool is that? I was honored to be asked. The difference between this time and last time I was a member though is pretty remarkable. This time family comes first... Like today Tony asked section leaders, if they could, to please be there at 6 tomorrow to go over a new song. I wrote him immediately and told him that Chris was out of town and my first priority was taking care of Justin after his first day back at school... And I might even be late.


Oh, and it's 17 days before Christmas. 24 days till my job drastically changes and my pay lowers. No stress... No pressure.


I had that big event that I blogged about last week and asked for prayers about. I guess you could say that I 'hit it out of the park' - the event went off without a problem.

It was a chipping /putting contest first with an open bar. I should mention here that I got a hole in one o n the chipping part - the ONLY hole in one on that hole! We then had dinner and gave out awards. Many of the principals told my boss what a great asset I was... "the heart and soul of the company". It was an awesome time and Chris learned a LOT about how power plants work!


I just realized I should apologize if this blog is scattered or if there are horrible spelling errors. Chris took our laptop with him, and at home we have the one laptop I could us that we 'gave' the kids to use... But it's full of viruses and horrible to type on (I keep typing then losing entire paragraphs). We also have the computer that Paul from church gave to me a while back, but it got a virus (KIDS!!!!) and we need to reload windows and all that stuff, but don't own a copy of windows or whatever it is needed to wipe it clean and start over. It's been a low priority since I got my own laptop. :o) So I'm sitting here on my PHONE with a little bluetooth keyboard typing.


Please keep Justin in your prayers and pray for my job - that I'll be able to see God's plan and that I'll trust it.


"Whatever you do, do well. For when you go to the grave, there will be no work or planning or knowledge or wisdom." - Ecclesiastes 9:10