Friday, October 10, 2008

Prayers Needed

I'm off work today. I'm supposed to be in Jacksonville watching Chris and Jonathan compete in their quartet competition, but they pulled out at the last minute. Jonathan had been sick the past few weeks so they were not vocally ready yet with the songs. Just as well... I wasn't keen on going up there and spending all that money on a hotel room, event tickets and food - especially if they were going to sing the same two songs they just competed with a few months ago. So I took the vacation day today and am going to go visit my mom in a few minutes.

In the meantime, I thought I'd get in a quick blog to ask you all to say a quick prayer for Kayla.

A month or so ago she had a sore throat. I looked and her tonsils were swollen, so I took her to the pediatrician. While on the way, my sister Katie told me I should ask them about her hair falling out while I was there. Good idea, might as well kill two birds with one stone at this doctor's visit! So we did - and he ordered some blood work to find out what was going on. He said she would probably need to see a dermatologist for the hair falling out, but the blood test might give us some clues as to what was going on. Good stuff. She didn't need to go 'fasting' because they weren't looking for blood sugar or anything - so we went on afternoon last week.

The Doctor himself called me on Monday. I used to work for this group of Doctors and my first thought... if the Doctor is calling me and not his nurse... this can't be good.

He proceeds to tell me that her blood work came back abnormal. "Good," I thought, "this will explain why her hair is falling out." And I even said something to that nature to the doctor. He said the abnormalities had nothing to do with her hair falling out. The tests they ran for her hair falling out were normal. What came back abnormal was her blood sugar (it was high) - however, she wasn't fasting -- so he wants her to come back and do the test when she's had nothing to eat to make sure it's okay. He's pretty sure it'll be fine then.

The other abnormality was in her white blood count. Something called "eosinophils". It was more than three times the normal range. He told me that this typically meant one of three things. Usually it was either:
1) The test was just flat-out wrong. The only way to know that was to re-test her. We'll do that when she comes back fasting. We are doing that tomorrow (Saturday)
2) She has some really bad allergies. Now... if this were Kayte getting this news, I'd be like "oh yeah.. surely this is it! Kayte is allergic to EVERYTHING! But, Kayla?
3) Three is the not-so-good part. Three is that there is something else going on. Something like a tumor or Leukemia. This is probably NOT it. It's MUCH more likely an allergy we just don't know about. But still... that third possibility even being on the table -- it's just -- terrifying.

While the doctor was talking my ears were ringing. I kept thinking about Julie's history. Asthma/Allergies. Diabetic. Then -- of course -- Ron. Ron who died of Leukemia. Now... Ron isn't Kayla's birth father, so it's silly really to think that it could be in any way related. And -- even if he WERE her birth father -- the chemicals from the dirty bombs in the Gulf War gave him Leukemia, not a family history... so.... stop thinking about it Tina! Yet I couldn't process what he was telling me.

So much so that I had to call the nurse back and ask her to explain everything to me all over again so that I could write it down correctly and make sure that I had it all right.

On that same day - I get a phone call from my mom. Caller ID tells me it's from Tampa General Hospital. No biggie - she works there - it always says that. She says "Don't worry... I'm at the hospital." Now... I'm still fuzzy from the news about Kayla, and I say "Yeah, mom - well you work there, so why would I worry?" She then tells me "No, I mean I am IN the hospital."


She was working and something happened with her heart. She wouldn't get into details with me because she didn't want me to worry. She said they were just going to keep her for observation to make sure she was okay. She tells me NOT to come up and see her... she'd be fine... but she just wanted me to know.

(I might add that while I was at bible study she leaves me a voice mail telling me that Julie her "favorite daughter" went up to see her. Even though mom said not to. Yeah, okay mom. Next time you tell me not to do something... not to tell someone you are in the hospital... let's see how well that secret is kept. LOL )

They kept mom a few days and she's now home. But the news hit me hard on Monday.

I remember walking into an office where my boss was and saying "I don't think today could get any worse" and he SAID --- you really shouldn't say that! I kinda thought he might be right.

Just as I was leaving for the night I get the call that my little sister, Kayte, who is in Colorado with her family and is supposed to be flying home soon, has been at the ER with their baby (our God Daughter, Bella). She had been a little sick while up there. They were shopping and all the sudden, little Bella just started having a seizure. Can you even imagine? I can't. All I could think was my words "I don't think today could get any worse". She's home and fine now - she just has those seizures whenever she starts to run a high fever. Poor little thing. :o(

The other thing I'd ask for prayers about is - jobs. Prayers for Chris's job - that work will continue to come in and that he will be paid for the work he does (he has to invoice customers after the work is done... and then wait to be paid!). And prayers that my search for a job will be what and and where God leads me to go.

Thank you all!

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."
-Albert Einstein-

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