Thursday, March 23, 2006

What Goes Down....

What goes down must come up, right? Oh wait - that's backwards - except that's exactly how it's been in my life here lately. God seems to keep throwing in good and bad all the time. But not too much of one or the other -- yes, our God is an awesome God.

I went to the store today at lunch and picked up some popcorn (Jonathan's science experiment) and the Glue for Doug. I got home to drop it off but couldn't stay as I had no time to stop and eat lunch, but Doug was in a much better mood. He said that he and Chris had talked and everything was better now. Ain't that great??!! Yes, emotional rollercoaster today would be the two words of the day. **shakes head and sighs**

Speaking of rollercoaster, I'm not sure if I blogged this or not - but - we decided to get the kids passes to Busch Gardens for the year. They went on Tuesday and Wednesday - stayed home today to work on school assignments - and want to go back again tomorrow. I got money from Katie (Bennigans) for working St. Patricks day last Friday (my big 18-hour work day) - so I figured I'd sink it right back into the kids. They are certainly happy about it, and I'm glad they have something to do.

Kayla had her first Psyc visit yesterday. I don't really have much to report there because I told the lady that I didn't want to know anything that went on between the two of them. The DCF documents clearly stated that her last Psyc visit resulted in a breech of patient confidentality, so I was sure to let Kayla and the Doctor know that I was not going to allow that to happen again. Speaking of the documents I received - they were the HUGE assessments they had when the kids first moved in with us - where the ladeis (from a behavior health clinic) spent at least 6-8 hours per kid on this documentation. I really don't want to get into what specificially they said in this forum for privacy reasons. But I will tell you that it was truly apparent that these kid have been through a lot. A LOT lot.

Choir practice tonight so I won't be home again until late. **sigh** I love singing in the choir at church, but it's just not 'cutting it' for me personally - not enough anyways. I want to get back into the Toast of Tampa. I mean, locking chords with 130 of your closest friends, that level of perfection week after week, and those of you who knew how heavily involved I was (Section leader, Chorus management team leader (kinda like a president), on the Regional board of directors, as an International appointment to the board) I keep praying about it... just waiting for God to tell me it's the right time. Patiently waiting. Okay... so maybe not so patiently... but God knows I'm trying. **grin**

Maybe if I go right home from work I'd have time for a 30-min nap before Choir practice. Think I'll try that. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. Keep 'em coming.

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