Sunday, July 09, 2006


Well, I wanted to give a brief update since my last blog.

Kayla and I had a talk - a long talk - last night. I just explained to her what I was so upset about... and explained that it wasn't a matter of not 'trusting her' (that's what she's been thinking) but rather that she just broke the rules. Ends up that she did think about calling in and/or getting home shortly AFTER her curfew, but she didn't think about it early enough. For example... she knew to call at 11:30 (after she was supposed to be home) and say she was going to be late... but she should have known it was impossible to make the 11pm curfew when she purchased the 10:10 movie ticket. I told her that I was concerned about how she consistently made poor decisions when it came time for her to make those choices. I told her that I didn't want to 'threaten her' all the time with sending her to Foster Care -- but that I seriously felt that someone needed to teach her these values, otherwise she was going to get into all kinds of trouble as an adult.

I have the results of the CT Scan - there is a suspicious area of concern in the left sinus area. Don't know how to describe it other than that... but they are supposed to fax the report to my doctor Monday and from there they should order an MRI. Hopefully the MRI will show something because I've got to do something - this headache is killing me. The problem then becomes my work. As the only employee, it's hard to get off work - this week in particular as we have a big-wig coming into town all week to be with my bosses. On top of that, my boss David is moving Tuesday. I could make it today (Monday)... if the results are faxed to my Doctor, they write a prescription, and I'm able to get in that quickly. But I know nothing typically works that quickly in the medical world.

Other news: Our daughter, Amanda, has moved back in with us. She had no place else to go... just started a job... and feels as if she has hit 'rock bottom'. Her boyfriend and his sister are supposed to continue to drive her to work, and she needs to work a LOT to cover past debts and current debts. She owes the girl she lived with up in Denver quite a bit of money, she has a credit card she's extremely behind on, she owes family and friends who have given her money over the past year or so, she has a storage unit with all of her belongings in, she needs money to fix her vehicle so that she's able to drive around, and of course - now - she'll have to support herself here at our house. We told her quite simply... we were going to have to charge her rent... not rent for the 'room' - but rather - rent to cover her added expenses of living here. We told her point blank that - we didn't have the money right now to support her living with us, so she would have to 'pull her weight'. She of course agreed to that, but I really don't see how she's going to be able to financially do that. I told her that she would probably need to work morning noon and night - any shift she could possibly pick up. Of course, she can't get herself to work or home from work, she needs to rely on others to do that, so I'm not sure how this is going to work. I was hoping we'd only have to charge Amanda a couple hundred dollars... but I just sat down and did the math. I took the household living bills such as utilities and food and divided it by 7 ... and her portion would be $520.00 per month. She is going to FLIP. And... this is with current bills - meaning, without the food going up, or the increased electricity and water bills.

I know that I am currently stressed beyond belief. I didn't get to sleep last night until after 3am. Now, that might be normal for Chris - but I usually can sleep no matter what. So I'm running on less than 4 hours of sleep here at work today. Ugg. Double ugg - Chris just called and we are not going to get some money we were going to get the first of July until the end of July. We are behind in some important stuff... and have been waiting for this check to catch up. (Seems like we are always playing catch-up, huh?) Jeez Louise. It just seems like I can't win - ya know?

Oh, and for an update on Jimmie - he came over to the house last night for dinner. (Eleven of us around the table, if you can believe it!) He looks good and is in good spirits. He's just very very tired. He noted how he was sick sick sick of Chicken! His diet: "If it tastes good, spit it out". Too funny.

I'll close with this quote I just received today. Please continue to pray for all of us!

"I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much." Mother Teresa

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