Thursday, September 28, 2006

More Punch Than Kool-Aid

Here we go......... with Julie's court date in November and her "Case Planning" date set sometime in October, DCF is busy telling me all the things they want done for the kids. I am going to again be swamped with 'things to do'. Things I've failed to do thus far but must have done or in process by then:
* Get Justin scheduled for his cavity filling
* Get Justin scheduled for therapy
* Get eye exams for Justin and Kayte
And DCF is going to schedule Julie and the kids for their family therapy.

I suppose since Julie can't drive them anywhere (she's not allowed to) - I suppose I'll have to drive them to their family therapy appointments. Oh and about the eye appointments, it's not enough that they've had physicals and the doctors documented they had 20/20 vision.... they want me to spend the money to go to see an eye doctor to confirm their vision is fine.

OH LORDY... where am I going to get the time to do all of this?? Oh, and then there's the money! Jeez..................

Julie came over last night and everything went.......... okay. Julie actually cooked for us... I helped, but she did do most of the work. We had fried pork chops and some pasta side. I added a veggie to the dinner because she didn't want to have any (Julie HATES veggies).

One thing I should tell you about, and I just now told Dottie about it, and she just said that I MUST tell Natalia about it. **sigh** See, this is why I hate doing the visits, because something comes up and I have to 'tell on Julie'. Here's what happened.

Julie brought over the wine coolers that she now LOVES. She brought 2 four packs and had me try one. I had finished maybe 1/4 of my bottle when she was downing her second bottle. She talked about how she's had as many as 6 at a time and never gotten a buzz off of it. What I should say to this is that.... Julie can be addicted to anything... she has that kind of personality. Right now, alcohol is not a problem for her... but it could very easily be.

Anywhoo..... we are in the kitchen, Julie has her gifts sprawled out on the kitchen table. Dinner is cooking. Julie is on her 2nd or 3rd drink. She's talking to the girls - about what I really don't know. Then she comes to me and says.... "You know, these drinks taste just like kool-aid, you don't taste the alcohol at all. Hey, Tina, can I let the girls have some?" I was like............ WHAAAATTTT? Of course I tell her NO, the girls can not have some of her alcoholic drink!! She again stresses that it tastes like kool-aid and tells me that it only has a 2.4 alcohol content. I tell her... "Julie.... think about it..... what IF the girls LOVE it?? Then what????? Absolutely NO they can not have a drink!"

Now I feel like such a 'nark' (dating myself with that word!) because I have to tell DCF about it. Julie is going to hate me. And I hate it that she's going to hate me. I wish I could say that Julie was kidding, or that she was testing me or something... but -- no -- that is Julie's poor parenting skills in action. She just has no clue that those kinds of things are really wrong. I suppose in Julie's eyes it's not so horrible... after all, last year about this time she was lighting joints with her kids - so a wine cooler is really nothing in comparison to that. But in any case... it's wrong and I'm supposed to HAVE to tell Natalia about it.

Mom called and told me that she talked to Julie today and she was very happy with last night's visit. And - that's what's killing me is that... I was happy with it as well! Except for that one little thing... it ws great. And now Julie is going to find out that I told them about the drinking. I feel like someone who just killed her best friend's dog. :o( I feel simply awful.

I'd like to blog more, but I'm just feeling a bit too -- down -- to do so. I'll try to blog some more tomorrow.

Families are like fudge... mostly sweet with a few nuts. ~Author Unknown

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Hey T-

Sorry you're down, but you're totally doing the right thing. If Julie can't demonstrate right from wrong (or legal vs. illeagal for that matter) then you have to say something.

Thanks for your inspiration, because of your ability to share (as well as Christal's "Chris'" ability) I'm attempting blogging for the first time. I set up a blog, give it a read if you get a chance, I'd love some feedback!

Hang in there-you are the rock for those kids right now and they need you!
